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Sunday 22 October 2017

The Colours of Passion: Unravelling Dark Secrets behind the Limelight

Published Year- 2017Publication- ReadomaniaPages- 238Genre- Crime/FictionFormat- Paperback/Kindle 

Within days of her fairy-tale wedding with Manav Chauhan, Hiya Sen, the reigning queen of Tollywood, is brutally raped and murdered. As ACP Agni Mitra investigates into the high-profile murder, he meets Neha Awasthi, with whom Manav broke his engagement to marry Hiya, Neha’s father Deepak Awasthi, who was eyeing business benefits through the alliance, Mayank Kapoor, an alcoholic model and Rituja Bose, the diva who had reigned over Tollywood over the past decade. When two more murders connected with the case make headlines, it’s time for Agni to find answers to perplexing questions and unveil shocking truths. 

The Colours of Passion breezes through Kolkata’s glamorous world of industrialists, movie stars, models and fashion designers laced with drug addiction and illicit liaisons, with a heart-wrenching tragedy at its core.

                                                                                            My Review

Saurabh Mukherjee needs no introduction; he is one such writer who has contributed something valuable to India Literature. Colors of Passion proved to be his remarkable work and I would not call this book as just novel but a masterpiece of his work.

Colors of Passion as the name indicate that story deals with shades of one person which he/she disguise but the beautiful cover image of the book makes it more clear that the story deals with the murder mystery. Being deprived of getting acquaintance the previous book of the series doesn’t create much pain to me. This very book was enough to pull my mind from the pangs of not reading the earlier book.

The book
was simply fast paced with so many twists and turns that one moment you would feel that you found the man behind the scenes but another moment you would realize how far you are from catching the criminal. Each page was full of suspense which will make its reader hook on their seats whereas the character building was just outstanding. Author has really got magic making his readers part of the book.

Talking about language, awesome it is. One cannot simply put down the book once he/she starts reading it. Those who enjoy reading crime fiction, they must get hold of this book as earliest as possible. But on a personal level, I would like to recommend it to everyone. You will never regret, trust me.

 I would love to give this thrilling book 4/5 star. Now, please excuse me I am going to buy the previous book of the series.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava   
Tuesday 17 October 2017
Rooh se Rooh Tak by Vinit K Bansal

Published Year- 2017
Publicaton- Vani Prakhashan
Pages- 192
Genre- Fiction/Hindi
Format- Paperback/Kindle


गर ना समझें तो यह महज़ एक कहानी है, एक किताब है... बाकी और किताबों की तरह, जिसे आप पढ़ते हैं और भूल जाते हैं। समझें तो एक कोशिश... उस शय को समझने की जिसे लोग प्यार कहते हैं। आखिर क्या है इस एक अदने से शब्द में जिसे समझने के लिए लाखों कहानियां गढ़ी गई, कही गई और सुनी गई। लेकिन इसे समझने की कोशिश अभी भी जारी है। 
कहानी की शुरूआत होती है नील से। किस तरह से एक छोटे से शहर का सीधा-साधा सा लड़का यूनिवर्सिटी में आता है और उसकी चकाचौंध में खो जाता है। पहले ही दिन उसकी मुलाकात होती है रणवीर से – यूनिवर्सिटी का सबसे रूआबदार लड़का।

 दोनों दोस्ती से कुछ आगे बढ़कर एक दुसरे को भाई समझने लगते है। इसी बीच नील को प्यार हो जाता है – सच्चा प्यार, अदिती से। प्यार रणबीर को भी होता है – रिया से, लेकिन एकतरफा प्यार। परिस्थितियां कुछ यूं करवट लेती हैं कि रिया आत्महत्या कर लेती है और जाने से पहले अपनी हत्या का इल्ज़ाम लगा जाती है नील पर। 
क्या नील रणबीर को अपने बेगुनाह होने का यकीन दिलवा पाता है?
क्या होता है जब आपका सबसे अच्छा दोस्त आपका सबसे बड़ा दुश्मन बन जाता है?
क्या होता है जब प्यार सनकपन की सभी हदें पार कर जाता है?
क्या होता है जब आपको प्यार और ज़िंदगी में से किसी एक को चुनना पडता है?
कहानी या यूं कहें की कोशिश जारी रहती है प्रेम के सबसे सच्चे और सुच्चे स्वरूप को जानने की। क्या नील और अदिती का प्रेम उस स्वरूप को हासिल कर पाता है? क्या दोनों एक हो पाते हैं? 
जवाब आपके हाथों में है – “रूह से – रूह तक”

मेरे विचार

रूह से रूह तक कहानी वीनीत बंसल द्वरा लिखी गयी है। यू तो मैंने लेखक द्वारा उनकी दो उपन्यास
पड़े हैं जो कि अंग्रेजी मैं प्रकाशित थी। यह कहना बिल्कुल सही नही होगा कि, लेखक ने
दोनो भाषाओं को बहुत ही गहराई से अध्यन किया है।
रूह से रूह तक का सफर बहुत ही रोमांचक अनुभव होता, हर पल कहानी उत्सुकता की ओर बढ़ती ही
जाती हैं और पढ़ने वाले का मन जिज्ञासा से भर जाता है। कैसे दो प्यार करने वाले दूर हो कर भी एक
हो जाते है।  कहानी मैं चार प्रमुख पात्र हैं अदिति, रिया, नील और रणदीप।

माध्यम वर्ग और एक धनवान वर्ग की मित्रता दर्शायी गयी है। दोनों वर्गो मैं अंतर होने पर भी
एक दूसरे के लिए प्यार त्याग और बलिदान दिया   गया है । जहाँ एक ओर रणदीप अमीर ज़्यादा होते हुए
भी एक अच्छा इंसान था । चारों की ज़िंदगी मे सब कछ सही चल रहा था परफिर एक गलत निर्णय ने
चारो को अलग अलग करदिया।

कहानी ने दोस्ती और प्यार के दो पहलू दिखये है। एक इंसान कैसे अच्छा होते हुए भी अपनी
इंसानियत मार देता है वही दूसरी ओर कैसे ज़नज़रिरो के पीछे होते हुए भी प्यार अमर रहता है।

कहानी का हर पात्र बहुत खूबसूरती से लिख्या गया है, शिक्षक भी कहानी के अनुसार हैं।
जिन लोगो को किताबो का शौक़ है तथा हिंदी भाषा मे रुचि रखते है उन्हें ये पुस्तिका ज़रूर
पढ़नी चाहिए।
मैं इस कहानी और लेखक की लिखने की कला शैली को 3.5/5 अंक देना चाहूंगी।

 Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava
I Wear The Smile You Gave by Shweta Shah

Published Year- 2017
Publication- Blue Rose Publishers 
Pages- 204
Genre- Romance/Fiction
Format- Paperback/Kindle


Ajeet is a commoner, a boy next door who is away from the Worldliness and moreover just a happy-go-lucky guy. Aditi and Ajeet are batch mates in a Junior College and share a good chemistry.

 Aditi is all head over heels for Ajeet and without any hesitation, irrespective of the time and place boldly conveys her feelings for him. Ajeet was infatuated towards Aditi, however, finds his true love in Sumi whom he meets in his coaching class. 

Wanting to break away from the conventional norms and the shackles of a traditional familial business and to prove his worth to his dad, Ajeet joins Army. Years later a tragedy connects Ajeet, Sumi, and Aditi once again, however, changing their lives forever.

                                                             My Review 

I wear the smile you give is a heart wrecking tale of love and friendship. Author has an amazing narrative style of writing which makes this simple story, an extraordinary one. Ajeet was having gala days in Junior College but sooner his destiny makes him meet Aditi. As the time flies, both were infatuated but something changed on Aditi’s end. She falls for Ajeet.

Ajeet was secretly in love with Sumi, his coaching friend. One fine day, God listens to his prayers but then after years something worse happens and it changed their lives. 
Talking about the story title, it goes perfectly and effortlessly with the storyline but somewhere I feel cover can be worked in a better way, it conveys a half impression.

The story was narrated in first person style, which proves to be a bonus because it will connect its reader’s right from the beginning. Ajeet, the protagonist and narrator; reveals his story between past and the future. Book has many page turner portions but somewhere few things were unnecessary stretched. The book is edited finely and neatly. Ajeet has been my favourite character and would make readers over heels for him. 

The book is highly recommended to romance lover, the book has worth to be carried and flaunt because it has got a magical touch of love which can be done in a single setting and would make its readers content. Overall I would rate this book 3/5 star. I would love to read more books by the same author in near future.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava
Friday 6 October 2017

 Why Should I Love You by Kamal Paneru

Published Year-  2017
Publication- Half Baked Beans Publishing
Pages-  152
Genre- Romance/Fiction
Format- Paperback/Kindle


This journey is of about an engineer and a small town girl who come close with a wrong number. Knitted in Haridwar, Srinagar and Bengaluru, this story revolves around love, hatred, betrayal, passion, dream and politics. Time makes them apart. Will they come close? Will they feel the same till eternity? Who would feel the reason behind loving someone? Let's come and dive into this heart-melting love story of Raunak and Juhi.

                                                                   My Review

Not many stories you read are real, some are written in fiction but you will find them real and relatable. Kamal Paneru “ Why Should  I Love You…??? “ is one such story which will make you laugh and heart bleed once you are done with the book.  

Raunak and Juhi’s  love story is set in those time when there were no heavy applications to bridge the gap between two lovers but a mere wrong number can turn a new leaf.  Raunak, third year engineering boy who never dated any girl but happen to fall for Juhi even before he see her in real person. The two shared beautiful relationship but sooner things get worse for them.  

Book will touch your chord and will enthrall you. Book is a perfect combination of love, friendship above all major issues which one faces being in relationship.

I thoroughly enjoyed the part where author emphasized on social issue, let’s call it social stigma. People happen to believe and create a perception in mind that there is no place of true love and people are after flesh. I enjoyed the part where parents become troublesome for us and worse we faced.

Each character was beautifully weaved and readers would relate to them. Plot construction was fresh and will keep you hook. Book contained minor editing errors which will create obstacles but it can be skipped. Only thing I disliked was font size, as a reader I personally found my eyes in uncomfortable position.

Overall, book will make you content and doldrums at the end.  I would recommend it to those book lovers who enjoy reading romance genre.

I would rate Why Should I love you…??? 3.5/5 stars. Can’t wait to read upcoming work of the author. 

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava

The Hidden Spark by Vikas Trivedi and Smita Agarwal

Published Year- 2017
Publication-  Become Shakespeare
Pages- 197
Genre- Self- help
Format- Paperback/Kindle


Do you feel that you are working hard but not getting the returns you deserve? Have you tried relentlessly but failed repeatedly, and now want to lose hope? Do you want to be like the famous and successful people but don't know what special gifts you have to do? Are you still struggling with your own demons and do not know how to get out of it? Do you think that you are negative, lethargy, failed, unsuccessful, poor and unlucky? 

If yes, then “The Hidden Spark” is only for you. This practical book is a result of thoughts of the great mentors of the world after a long research and the guidance of the most successful people. It is said that one mind has more power than millions of cells but when it comes about ten most intelligent and active minds, you can make out how important each word of this book is! The book, you are holding in your hand is not a theory but a practical guide which will take you to your right direction in your life and leave you as the best version of yourself. Each and every chapter of this book has already been implemented by thousands of people and their real stories are in this book. 

                                                                          My Review

As the name suggests The Hidden Spark is a collection of motivational fables around the globe with some life changing experiences by people belonging to different time zones and geographies. Book is like a life-guide which will help you to have a better understanding of gala moments and miseries which looks very odd to us.

There is a thin line between hope and survival, the book worked on the next one i.e. survival. When we take out survival, my mind is surrounded by Charles Darwin words, “Survival of the fittest” ; if you are willing to survive don’t give up pity as well as on harsh realities which we face day to day. Book will make you believe that there is life after death, success after failures and hope after the darkest night of our life. 

Book will explain each concept of “How to be not just happy but a happier person?” and the experiences quoted by peoples are good and inspiring. Book will also give you ample of quotes by famous authors and thinkers.

The best part about the book is that it will make you work from the beginning and would compel you to go back and unleash your hidden spark. Authors has done satisfactory job on their part but somewhere I felt book did not match the pace.  Editing errors will be destructions on your path of reading this book.

Language was easy and lucent; somewhere I felt it could have been better. Title is apt and cover image is very eye soothing. Book is recommended to those who think their life is a burden. Go ahead and read this very book.

I would rate this book as 3/5stars for encouraging and helping me to find my spark.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava
Book Review of Secrets, Sins and Struggles by Kamini Kusum

Published Year- 2016
Publication- Zobra Books
Pages- 211
Genre- Fiction
Format- Paperback/ Kindle


A collection of five tales,Secrets,Sins & Struggles is about the lives and loves of five women, tracing their long, eventful journeys that are anything but linear. 

Meet Pooja, a teenager forced into the flesh trade but determined to escape and get justice. Shrawani who dreams of becoming a bureaucrat despite all the trials life throws her way. Avni who is torn between her childhood friend and her brand-new boyfriend. Harsha who is trapped in a loveless arranged marriage while still being haunted by thoughts of her forsaken lover. Geshna who falls head over heels for a high school sweetheart only to find her own life shrinking to accommodate his. 

These stories are about the odds stacked against women in their path to love and success.They are also about hope that the next turn will lead to the happiness and success they all long for.

                                                                  My Review

Secrets, Sins and Struggles are a collection of five stories of five different women who have their own story to tell. Each story is about intense struggle which one faces and how they combat such vicious situations.  Talking about the book cover and blurb, it clearly indicates that stories revolves around female characters. Story will create an immense pain in the beginning but at the end it will teach you lessons.

Pooja, who had never had seen love and care after her mother’s death. She stumbled hard for a better life but she was pushed into flesh trade. Pooja’s story would let you know the darker side of prostitution and their hardship. Story will also teach you that how one can become an enlighten figure for the world doesn’t matter how bed one’s past could be.

Shrawani, a blue stocking of her school and then college falls for a wrong person which leads to inner turmoil. Story recites how one’s emotions took over our ambition and our dreams. We never forget our dreams, we just get influenced by bad company which fills us with negativity. Shrwani’s story is of dedication towards our real goals of our life.

Anvi, who hails from a small town was newbie for a metropolitan city.  The shimmer of city drags her to transformation in herself. Influenced by high profile lifestyle of her office colleagues she refuses the facts or better say reality. Her story would connect to many of the girls out there.

Harsha’s story was different and fresh. It’s a story of girl who is asked to marry man whom she didn’t love. Harsha refuses to marry but her husband was adamant and thought that she would change after marriage but things were never fine between two. Finally, one fine day her life turned into a fairy tale.
Geshna who fancied her high school friend Nihal. Sooner the two become couple and were about to marry but then he called off the marriage. Geshna left all her dreams just to unite with her lover but later she realized her fault and then she toiled hard to bring back her life on track.

Each story was set in different pace and were inspiring. Language was crisp and enjoyable. Book will keep you hooked till the end and you would complete it in a one go. I would love to rate this amazing read, 4/5 stars.  

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava
Wednesday 20 September 2017
Sick of Being Healthy by Monisha K Gumber

Published Year- 2016
Publication-  Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd
Pages- 159
Genre- Fiction
Format-  Paperback/Kindle


"Tara, a young teenager is blessed with a little bit too much of health for her own good. Desperate to get the guy of her dreams, she ends up playing a very dangerous game- a game that could cost her friendship, her peace of mind and even her life ! Actually that's an exaggeration but yes, she does make some serious blunders in her quest for a perfect body to impress her one true love. Can she do it an d is it all really worth it? 

Welcome to her world and discover her inspiring journey towards real health and happiness, meet her stunning high achiever best friends and her parents who never seem to be satisfied. Let down by her own sister and under constant pressure to do well in studies, she learns how to fight her confidence and self-esteem issues and emerge a winner in the end."

                                                      My Review

No matter how you look there’s always one thing which never leaves your side is- YOU. The book says it all once you are done with it. Book has left no steps unturned in bringing the major issues faced by girls that too when they are “teenagers” . Some years down the line I was too concerned with my skinny body because it made me feel very uneasy among my friend circle, they would tag me with silly names(of’ course back then it hurts me hearing those names) but now  learned how I am important to me and I am not breathing to impress others. So the book was definitely relatable to me. Coming back to the book, Sick of Being Healthy as the title and cover image goes along with the storyline. A teenage girl, whose only love was food and later she turned bitter towards herself and became judgmental. Book is her journey from getting rid of extra muscles on her body to discovering her inner innate quality and capabilities.

Tara, a young teenager who assumed to have everything but at the end of the day she realizes that why people choose Barbie dolls over teddy bear. She thought it’s her weight due to which people tends to ignore her including her parents and crushes. This is the story of most of the teenagers who have decent amount of mass on their bodies and their struggle to get into right frame or their hidden ultimate to get into best slimy dress which is available on lavish stores. Tara story is sometimes funny, it will put you in deep thinking way back to your crush days and will inspires you. Girl who has so much capabilities was centered around her body weight that she almost forget that there is something very hidden and special within her.

Book plot is fast and really very interactive. Loads of illustrations were not less than rib tickling and would made you praise the author’s efforts. Book is guidance to many teenagers. I am again amazed with author’s work, and now  I am wondering that why I didn’t picked the first installment(Sick of Being Healthy) rather jumped on the Dying to Live but I don’t regret I would flaunt this book just I did with the other book of the author. Language was crisp and enjoyable, would make you amaze. The best thing about the book was illustrations and they were damn funny and catchy.

I would recommend this book to everyone because book knows no gender boundaries, no age boundaries. If you are struggling with your weight trauma or you are dwelling with loads of baffled emotions then you gotto go and grab the book right now.

I would rate this amazing, funny and inspiring book 4/5 stars. Can’t wait to read the third installment.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava  

Saturday 9 September 2017
Title: The Disobedient Darkness
Author: Prateek Dubey
Publisher: Frog Books
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 554
Rating: 4/5

Blurb: A man trades his doubts for a unique gift from his daemōn. This puts into motion his metamorphosis; a doubtless mind connecting him with other layers of existence and unravelling some extraordinary latent powers. Using his newfound abilities impetuously for the benefit of others, he inevitably runs into the dark side of goodness. Then, one-day, a moment of violence, a call for justice hurls him into a maelstrom of an extraordinary adventure - a quest for a pitcher of ancient mystic water, hidden deep inside the Himalayas. It is the only known weapon against a sinister supernatural force abducting humans from earth. But an unexpected turn awaits him; the water is nurturing a secret intent that could change the destiny of mankind.

My views:
Cover: White, simple, and serene background with a very suitable font. Though the silhouette of a butterfly, with a sting at its tail and missing antenna-like projections on its head gives it a mysterious touch. Especially the way it's shaded between blue and black. The cover stands alone, in its simplicity and in its complexity and intrigues the reader.

Blurb: Gives away as much is required to pull in a reader. The story seems new, and it seems that the story borders around fantasy genre with a dark touch. Though it also says of some mystical and spiritual contents inside.
Blurb is a huge hit on.

Now coming to the story: it's new, and definitely more than a one-time read.

The plot is nicely interwoven and it is executed with extreme care. The author has shown no hurry in delivering actions, and the pages have turned whenever they should: neither early nor late.

The language is easy, and selection of words is worth appreciating. Dialogues are beautifully done, and characters are seemingly real, as are their problems. Writer talks his way throughout the story through his jumping narratives, while his words creep into your heart for your darkness. At times you'll feel that you've got those gifts from Smoogykuk, and it's you who brought an end to Tunhim.

The butterfly on the cover is a very important symbol to the story and the colour compliments its importance. The setting, and the scenes are very well described. The story moves like a movie.

Kudos to the author for such a beautiful story. Standing close to 550 pages, it still is worth finishing in one sitting.

You ought to pick this book if you are disappointed by college romances and want a different flavour to your read-buds.

Wednesday 6 September 2017
Title: Rudravan (Whom the gods would destroy, they must first create)
Author: Rahul Rajan
Publisher: Frog Books (
Genre: Fiction (mytho-fantasy)
Pages: 484
Rating: 4/5
Blurb: Rāvan...

The greatest villain of our legends, burnt down every year, reduced to ashes again and again, only to rise anew. His is a cycle of death and rebirth that never ends, a legend that refuses to die. And there is a reason for that.

The tale of Rāvan still screams to be told, to break free of the falsehoods that have buried his truth. But in the vastness of our myths, there are bits and pieces of his legend scattered all around, leading us to the truth of what could well be the greatest unsolved mystery of all time. The truth of Rāvan's life, and his death by a God in mortal flesh…

Rāvan's origin, as the descendant of Lord Brahma, his devotion to Shiva and his conquest of Swarga speak of a great king, stronger and wiser than even the Devas. How then does he succumb to lust, cowardice and finally, foolhardiness?

And what was Rāvan's sin that made his death necessary? The abduction of Sitā was a mere front, for the Rām avatar had been born long before that. Why did Vishnu stand against him, when he was blessed by both Shiva and Brahma? How was Rāvan, blessed with invincibility, defeated so conveniently, by a God in human flesh? Could Rāvan not have thought of that, and prepared against it?

And why did Shiva allow the death of his greatest worshipper, the one he himself had named?

What if the Rāmayan was just a part of a greater story, a cosmic game
of chess between Vishnu and Rāvan? What if our greatest epic is merely the end of a tale that had begun long ago?

My views:
Cover: The most fascinating thing about its cover is the black ground and the image in between. Then comes the title, which is an amalgamation of Rudra and Rāvan... And a very beautiful subtitle that goes byline. The name of the author is written at the bottom in yellow. The fonts on the cover are readable, clear and attractive. One might pick this book after looking at the cover, for it tells pretty much of the mystery it unfolds and holds.

Blurb: Exciting and gripping! It gives away as much as is required to pull a reader. Rāvan, intact, remains the most mysterious villain of Indian mythology... The greatest of all who was given the meanest ending. The blurb is a huge turn-on for a mytho-fantasy lover.

Story: The first page carries a sketch of Rāvana in the iconic Atlas pose... The only difference is he is lifting mountains (Kailash) instead of the planet. The another fascinating thing about this book is the sketches... Every chapter carries one beautiful sketch which summarises the core of the chapter. There is also a map (which can tell you where to look for if you wish to go to Vaikunt)

Here, I won't give away spoilers but I'll tell you what you will find in the book, and what I loved the most. There has been several retellings of the epic but none of them (I read) had ever focussed on the character of Rāvana, save Asura (the book); but this book took the Ramayana to the next level. Making it more from the fight of good vs evil to a very real battle of two gray characters.

The story is cosmo-tic. The battle between light and half darkness, and a battle of survival. This is the most fascinating thing about this book. Instead of showing the story as a 'he-kidnapped-his-wife-so-he-should-be-killed' or 'he-is-evil-so-must-die' type clichéd story... This story went further ahead to show how a battle of survival ended up being the battle of strength. How the beings of light were as responsible as the asuras for the chaos and the unbalance, and how this battle was a sort of revenge... A fight-back!
The characters are nearly woven, descriptions detailed, and scenes beautifully told. You will feel the story going in reels in front of you while reading. Standing close to 500 pages it will not leave you even after it ends. I almost felt like there should have been more... A few more pages... The storytelling is this smooth. And guess what, this is a debut! Kudos to author for such an enthralling story. There are minor grammatical glitches in the book which at one sight are easy to be ignored... The language is fluid, plot nicely woven, and scenes satisfying.

I strongly recommend the book. It's a must have in the book-shelves of a fantasy and a mythology lover. The bibliophiles will love it's presence... And with Amish's series going on... This will kind of give you a parallel journey.

Monday 4 September 2017
Title: Unrequited Feelings
Author: Kalyani Dandekar
Publisher: Frog Books
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 264
Rating: 3/5
Blurb: The story revolves around the teenage friends – Sayali, Kavika, Rishab, Ved, whose lives have turned 360 degrees due to the feelings they harbor for each other. Kavika and Rishab share a bond of fri-enemies, while Ved and Sayali are good friends. Each new advancement in their life cause nothing but troublesome feeling's like jealousy, guilt, lies and betrayals to destroy them and sweep them in a new direction. But this unrequited love has left many pages upturned.
Revealing all faces, will malice take over or will it make all of them reborn? Will they be forgiven or they will be consumed by the darkness of the past?

My views:
Cover: Intimidating! The branches outline a heart which carries the title in it. The tone is pinkish, and gives the cover a romantic touch, though the use of dark shade gives a feeling of uncertainty. Silhouettes of four characters are present on the cover and beneath them lies the land, darkened, on which the name of the author is printed.
The cover is not that special, but still, is simple, symbolic and compliments the story.
(Though it could have been better!)

Blurb: Speaking the truth, the blurb is kind of a turn-off. For various things happen abruptly. I got only the bits and pieces of the information put out there. But it's okay, for if the author felt like doing it, there might have been some reasons.
(Though it should be revised in further editions, if they come!)

Acknowledgment begins with a clichéd remark and the list of people thanked is too, too short (too professional), but still it doesn't feels good.

If you go through the contents, you will see that two chapters bear the same name, save the capitalisation of one letter in the former.

POV: First person narrative. The writer has jumped between Kavika and Rishab for moving the story forward.

Story: The first page wanted me to stop, but as I had committed myself to this book, I had to read it anyhow, and am glad I finished. This is a one time read, and am telling this in the beginning of my review because this needs to be focussed on.
The plot is really good. The actions keep you binded, and there are surprises and twists in the story. But it's the way the story is moved forward, that spoils the show. Actions come off abruptly, out of nowhere, and the dialogues seem unrealistic. Characters, somehow, at times feel real... But still that pull-in feeling is absent. One will need to read some paragraphs again and again to get what the character wants to say. The language is easy, and anybody who has the basic knowledge of English can easily read and comprehend the story. Though I will suggest the author and the publication to go through a re-edit, if the book gets re-printed.
This is a debut book, so all we can do is expect good books from the author in future. Personally, I would like to 'request' the author to read some more, practice some more and then experiment with the genre.
Rest rests in your hands, a one time reading will not disappoint you.

Wednesday 16 August 2017
Book Review –Kansa, Professor Black Triology by Kevin Prassant

Published Year:2016
Publication: Inked Company
Pages: 398
Genre: Fiction/Thriller
Format: Paperback/Kindle



Maher was found unconscious in the middle of the highway and later, in the hospital, she revealed that she had escaped from a killer's house. All the details and patterns matched the serial killer 'Kansa,' who had disappeared five years ago after murdering forty pregnant women. ACP Saargi Desai was assigned to the case. She appealed to her department to bring back Professor Black to help her catch the killer. The Professor, who had a haunting past that had kept him away from the world of crime and investigation for several years, was not willing to take on this case. But the ACP managed to convince him to get on board just for this one last time. Soon after agreeing to help, the Professor realized that for the first time in his life, he had met his match. As he dug deeper into the case, everything got dirtier, the stakes went higher, and nothing was what it seemed.

                                                                   My Review

Professor Black series first installment is so thrilling and exciting that I couldn’t stop myself flaunting how much I love this book.  From the very first page to the very end I almost hopped into a conclusion that this very book is worth setting competition to other authors who are writing the same genre. Coming back to Kansa, the book opens up with an astounding blurb which itself is capable of making readers to grab this book. Blurb states about 40 murders of pregnant ladies and it is believed  Kansa, the murderer is back to start the game all over.

Book started with the first hunt by Kansa after years and how his fear has threaten the nation.  Whereas another story runs parallel, soft and beautiful relationship between Viraat and Khushi. They both were born to be together but destiny has planned something else and their story took a dark turn. Story is followed by series of events and would be no less than watching some Hollywood spy movies.  After few chapters the book paced is really very fast and gripping, for some point readers would be compelled to jump to the last page but they couldn’t do that the flow is so fascinating that story cannot be skipped.

It was really tough to choose which character and portion I loved the most because with this book I lived with the story and characters. But personally enjoyed portion was reading revelation part  of Kansa, another the way Professor Black solved puzzle. I cannot miss to mention “Birth of Kansa” and how everything was so frustrating at one point and another moment you loved every bit of the story. Learning about Professor Black and ACP Saargi was just amazing. I always prefer to read strong build female character and Saargi was just I imagined. On the other hand, Professor Black will alone steal the hearts of his readers because this very character is really very different yet interesting to learn about.

Language of the book was just so thrilling; I could take my eyes off once I started reading. Plot was fast paced with so much of thriller, action and suspense. Title of the story is catchy and blurb would alone make readers to pick this book. Cover is decent and relatable to the story line.

Overall I would recommend everyone to go ahead with this book at any cost. Not a second will be wasted in fact one will start reading crime fiction. I would rate this Hollywood- spy- like- book 4/5 stars. Just can’t wait to read another installment of Professor Black series.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava
Sunday 30 July 2017
A Team of Extraordinary Bastards by Arka Datta

Published Year: 2017
Publication: Storymirror
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 324
Format: Paperback


Arya Sen is destiny’s child, a young boy from Kolkata who is born to be the greatest the Football World has ever seen. The universe never fails to surprise him with good fortunes as he embarks on his journey from Kolkata to all over the world. But, just when he starts to believe that nothing can go wrong for him, everything changes. 

Surrounded by loss, darkness, and complete absence of luck, Arya desperately waits for hope. And it appears but from the unlikeliest of places. With the support of his wife April and younger brother Ilan, Arya takes upon him a task that is bigger and more important than all of them. This time, he is up against his greatest friend: Destiny.

                                                                         My Review 

A Team of Extraordinary Bastards by Arka Datta is a beautiful tale of Arya Sen, a footballer, who after zillions of upheavals finally attain everything in his life. This book is something which will inspire you. Paths of happiness cannot be achieved only by walking on spiritual path but one can have or achieve them living in this world also. This is the core theme or message wants to convey with this story.

It is difficult to weave a story using a game and that too an inspirational one but author has succeeded thoroughly. The story beings with a match, football. The sport was magnificently used in the story which makes this book out of the box as well as makes its readers hooked on their edges. The book makes you believe in your dreams again.

This is something which is loved by sports lovers and liked by all. Language was readable and decent. Narration was slow allowing readers to read every bit of Arya and his baffled life. I do not know why such title was choose at first place but at the end I realized its crux. The cover is beautiful and goes with the storyline.

Overall the book succeeds making its reader worth a wait till the last page of the book. I would rate it 3.5/5 stars. I would like to thanks author for sending me a copy of his work. Book is indeed special.  

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava
The Three Wise Monkeys by Jeet Gain

Published Year: 2016
Publication: Frog Books
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 400
Format: Paperback/Kindle



The trio Amar, Akbar and Anthony had no clue whatsoever about their goddammit indecisive-careers-and-indefinite-struggles. 

And that was because they were born with the Peter Pan Syndrome and were simple enough to be tricked by anyone, including their mystifying girlfriends—Meghna, Farah and Sarah.
And as is the fate of all morons, they were drawn into trouble—deep trouble—of hiding crores of rupees of black money in secret offshore companies. 

Will their mistake of turning a blind eye to the philosophy of ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ cost them their careers and put them in prison?


Will Lady Luck change their fortunes forever?

                                                                    My Review

Three Wise Monkeys by Jeet Jain is light hearted novel, in which author and story both had intended to laugh out it’s readers. The cover of the book reflects three who sat on a lump of currency notes. Title is witty and would grab the attention and is apt on too.

The plot is something which is gripping where Amar, Akbar and Anotony struggle to pass C.A. first and later to get some pink notes into their pockets. The trio desperately searched from clients make them meet Ashwin Farah, a cunning banker with a never ending greed who indulge the trio  in money laundering business without their knowledge.

Amar, Akbar and Anthony became the national as well as international focuse out of the blue. Three wise monkeys is a story of three unwise monkeys and how they help the trio to settle the scores.
Book begin with brief indroduction about the trio and their not-so-happening life and later the book dwells into dark and humor. The book is fast paced with humon unfolded at every page. High voltage climax.  Author has tried to rib tickle it’s readers, somewhere he succeeds and somewhere he doesn’t.

Overall the book is one time read. Definitely the book is humorus and full of imagination but somewhere it would bore it’s readers.

I would rate 3/5 stars.                          

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava
Book Review: Dying To Live by Monisha K Gumber

Published Year: 2017
Publication: Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd
Genre: Motivational Teen Fiction
Pages: 229
Format: Paperback


Megha, a young super-achiever with a perfect life has all that is needed to be happy. After all why wouldn’t she? A swimming champion, school topper, popular, good-looking girl with amazing friends and loving parents. What more could a girl ask for? A lot, actually. 

Because even when she has it all; she sulks and does the unthinkable. A grave mistake that could take her to her own grave. But survivor that she is, she breaks through the wall of ‘perfections’ and accepts that she is what she is: sad, vulnerable and confused. Oh, don’t get her wrong, as she puts up a tough fight to reach where she is meant to be. And on the way learns some lessons that will take her through this amazing journey called life. A happy kind of life.

                                                                    My Review

“Dying to live” is a story of a teenage girl Megha, who is strong and determined to be the best. She has everything in her life, wonderful parents, cool friends whom she sometimes envies, blue stocking and to be national level swimming champion. But sometimes she too sucks and failed miserably. Something which she was aware of but couldn’t control her rushing emotions on various life events. A year of teenage is very delicate because you have no control on emotions and it tends to drive you crazy. People talk about your benefit but you turn down their requests and start thinking as if you could do the best.

Magha was too trapped in her mind as well as of her surrounding. This book is actually a story of a teenage girl who fights to become best from the worst she did at times. Book will hook you will so many illustrations which makes the book and characters live. We see so many teenagers struggling either to excel in studies or trying to fix themselves with someone from opposite gender. Well that’s what teenage is about. A driven force where your mind and surrounding both tries to hold you or make you weak for taking some  crazy decision . Megha’s story is something which deserves ears because how many if you would wants remember how an all-rounder becomes an average yet happy girl.

Book talks about various issues which we faced or our friends faced and an insight is given by the book how to overcome your biggest obstacles. A supercool Nani  who acts like light at the end of tunnel and a mother who always want her child to be the best. The book is motivational read and would make you to step into Meghs’s shoe.

Characterization is good, illustrations in the book is really very amazing. Language is good almost like reading a teenager’s diary. The cover is beautiful and the title matches the storyline.
Overall the book has justified at all the levels just like the previous one “Sick of Being Healthy”, which I want to read. Book is recommended to both parents and teenagers. I would rate 3.5 stars/5. I wish to read more from the author’s work.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava
Book Review: The Quest of the Sparrows 

Published Year: 2017(Second Edition)
Publication: Rupa Publications India
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 261


A seemingly ordinary young man forced to become a guru takes a leap of faith and sets off with his followers on a taxing journey that changes their mindsets and lives forever. Inspired by the carefree life of a sparrow, reluctant guru Partibhan takes off on a 600 kilometre expedition on foot to test his theory of practical spirituality. He believes that human beings can become powerful creators, but the desire to secure the future makes them mere survivors. However, survival isn’t the only goal of life. A much bigger role, a higher calling awaits us. Will Guru Partibhan and his disciples complete the journey? Will they discover their true potential and find everlasting joy? Looks at the importance of spirituality in today's fast paced world. A must read for all those feeling burnt out and wondering about the ‘higher purpose’ of their lives. The story of a young man who finds his calling in life, written in a relatable manner.

                                                                My Review

The Quest of the Sparrows is something different from what I read in other motivational and self-help books. The book consists of three people and three different lives- Nikhil, Sanjeev and Partibhan who embarks together in a spiritual journey to discovers the ultimate truth that how can one be free like sparrows.  The journey then became the turning point of their lives and with each day they learn something very acknowledging from simple incidents or hurdles they faced. 

Nikhil who lives in London has a family who is no more with him. He succeed everything in life but never know what family is about or how to be a happy person. Until one day, a newspaper advertisement’s caught his attention and he determined himself to walk on the path of spirituality.

Sanjeev who is a private detective hired to spy on the Guru Pratibhan to prove that he is imposter like other Guru’s we see in television. Sanjeev has gone though worse in his life and he did not wants to believe in something which exists far above from human acceptance, the divine power. His perceptions lead to spy Pratiban but when he knew the truth and power, he too became his follower.

Guru Pratibhan, just like them faced worse in childhood. His father’s leaves him and his mother in search of truth, a sick mother and huge loan amount to be paid and loan sharks who harass him.  In the last days of his father, he offered him to take his place and spread the divine message but Pratibhan was reluctant and blamed his father of all miseries they faced all their life. But something transformed or we better say Pratibhan was a true austere.

The story is different like I said earlier and very enlighten.  Book talks about how human tends to run for materialism all his life but then at the end he wants to be transformed.

Though the book is fictional not spiritual guidance or something but proved to be amazing art of reflecting the right path.

I personally loved the book cover and the title. Narration was good and language was smooth and comprehendible. I would rate 4/5 stars.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava