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Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Romance Shorts by Sourabh Mukharjee

Year Published : 2016
Seller :
Author: Sourabh Mukherjee
Genre: Romance/Short Stories
Pages : 51
Format : Paperback

                                                       Book Synopsis

A soulmate 'happens' unannounced in some turn of the deliciously unpredictable journey called 'life' 

What does destiny have in store for a teenager unable to express his feelings for the girl of his dreams even as their paths keep crossing through the years? 

Sid turns to work and alcohol to get over the pain of losing Sheetal till she walks back into his arms in the after-party of a corporate awards function. Is she back for good? 

What does an advertisement on a billboard try to tell a man who has lost his memory and his wife in a near fatal accident? 

As Ria nurses her broken heart, she meets a stranger on the Internet and finds herself irresistibly drawn to him. Will she find love again? 

'Romance Shorts' is a collection of four contemporary romantic short stories. A brisk read with a lasting impact, it paints love in its various hues that make it the only emotion worth dying for. A slice of life in true sense, the book takes the reader on a whirlwind journey interspersed with betrayal, separation, heartbreak and a smile or two.

                                                        My Review

When author says, Romance Shorts he means that, yes he keeps the promise of entertaining his readers. Yes, this books his AMAZING after a long time I read so fresh and intriguing short stories. They are still on my mind.

When I read the book synopsis I realizes the book has unfolded mine and nestled emotions. True, this book is a page turner and would astonish its readers.  Author Sourabh Mukharjee has beautifully penned every emotions. He not only played fantastically with his storytelling skills but actually made his every character so lively and real.  

The book consist of four different stories, and I fell in love with the first story “ Nargis Through My Summer”- beautifully written with perfect blend of emotions. Every story has had hidden treasures of love, longing and wait- emotions. The title and the book cover were very apt and they goes with each story. Simplicity at its best.

The language is one of the positive punch of the book. It truly surprised me when I began reading. So lucid and it left me CONTENT. I completed the book in a single sitting.

I wish the book had few more pages, my mind was not ready to accept the book has finally ended.
The book was rollercoaster ride to world of ecstasy of being in love and how heart fights with all odds and kept its promise of loving that one person only.

Romance Shorts is highly recommended to ‘every heart which beats for another’-Line from the book.

I would love to rate this amazing work 5/5 stars. Looking forward to read more from the author.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Title: Betwixt Twists And Turns
Author: Mona Mohanty
Pages: 122
Publisher: Partridge India (
Reviewed by: Satyam (

Cover: 4/5
Writing style: 3.5/5

Book Blurb:
Dragonflies are said to be harbingers of rain, but they may be much more for one unsuspecting woman. A household dog finds a reprieve when Grandma comes to stay. A young man stops by an ATM at night and finds himself encountering robbers-and a young woman who may not be what she seems. In Betwixt Twists and Turns, author Mona Mohanty presents a series of short stories born from random thoughts that popped up out of nowhere, overheard bits of conversation, parables of family lore, and anecdotes from friends. These tales come from a variety of viewpoints-an older woman who receives an unexpected telegram, a businessman who encounters what might be a ghost, and various animals sharing their impressions of human life. These stories vividly capture the routine of existence-but with a surprising twist. This collection of short stories set in India features tales with unexpected outcomes from a wide range of perspectives, both human and animal.

Cover -
The vivid and colourful cover attracts. Simple, bold, big and white font is clearly visible.
The anthology comprises of 2 very different stories, with quite different and twisted ends. The author has got a very rich vocabulary and this shows from page 1. And this was the only distracting thing. Else this book with its vivid and small stories will entertain you. there is everything for everyone ranging from love to horror.
Titles are small, and they fail to reveal the end, even if they suit the story best. A picture accompanies every title making it far more interesting.
My personal favourite story was The Dark Knight.
And if you care about story and tough words don't pose a problem then I'd recommend this for you. Else this book is not for a light read even if its meant to be. But you can pick this book for they will entertain you and make you ponder at the end.