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Thursday, 8 September 2016
In Love and Free by Jagdish Joghee

Year Published: First Published in 2015
Pages: 108
Format: Paperback
Genre: Romance/Fiction

                                                                  Book Synopsis

Shruthi has everything going in her life with great education, incredible romance, a wonderful husband, and two adorable kids. There is plenty of laughter, joy, and love in the cosy nest that Shruthi has carefully built.

All is well till that fateful Diwali day when passion gets the better of reason. One momentary lapse threatens to uproot the entire foundation of her beautiful life. The stakes are too high as Shruthi runs the risk of being abandoned by her husband and losing her children too. 
And there is no one to blame but herself.

Caught in a cesspool of blackmail, ransom, revenge and remorse, Shruthi is on the brink of collapse. She can run but cannot hide.

                                                                     My Review

Have you been in a fix, whom to choose between two people; one who’s is for forever and other who provide your transient happiness yet that short lived happiness matters to you. Let’s say you don’t prefer to choose anyone specific between those person yet you make choice staying with both the person.

In Love and Free is a story of Shruti, who is madly in love with her husband and her married life. Story dwells with contemporary world where we often find people making choices and compromises at the same time, insecurity which leads to discovery of some other relations.

Shruti story is no different she thought first it was wrong falling for other man but she give in. And then her life change.

Narration- Narration is fast paced and enjoyable. It was eye pleasing the book was entirely written in girl’s point of view. Author has perfectly nestled the suspense till the end, which will make it’s reader hooked and complete it in a one go.

Language- Book language is simple and readable.

Characters I enjoyed the most

Shruti- Shruti being protagonist, keeps me hook till the last page. Shruti who hails from an affluent family, blue stocking through out her education period, a passionate beloved, a lovable mother , wife and daughter-in-law. Story begins with hunky dory, Shruti’s perfect life depicting her education, her supporting family and amazing married life with her beloved husband and cute little kids. But as we say nothing last forever, even in Shruti’s life things changed quickly as she discovered she had fallen for other male. At a point she wants to live both the lives but life took toil on her. A strong built character and most influential.

Madhan- Madhan Shruti’s husband is kinda guy which every girl desires or dreamt of. Madhan who was constantly involve in his business but he kept Shruti or kids distant from his site, he kept on struggling hard just to provide the best life they deserve.

Portions which I enjoyed the most

Never surrender yourself to the situation. You have that courage to mend the odds. I thoroughly enjoyed the way Shruti stood for herself and she finally gained everything back. A motivating segment of the book.

The other portion which completely moved me how Shruti’s dad stood by her side, he accept his daughter the way she is and taught her valuable lessons.

‘Everything happens for a reason’ so was Shruti’s life. You learn things from failure too.

Negative Punch

1.Author could have worked more creatively with the language.
2. Initial chapters could have been described in a better way.

Book Recommendation- In Love and Free is a light read. Anyone could read it, at the end the book will surely provide you few lessons on life.

Overall Rating I would rate In Love and Free 3.5/5 stars. Looking forward to read more from you Sir.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava


Jagdish Joghee said...

Thank you