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Saturday, 10 September 2016

 The Colour of Love: Trumpets and bugles, there was music all over... by Jagdish Joghee

Year Published: 2016
Pages: 155
Format: Paperback
Genre: Romance/Fiction


                                                                       Book Synopsis

Sarfaraz is brought up with a good value system by his devoted parents. With time, curiosity and adolescent growth pangs take him through many experiences. His first brush with girls starts with a friend, and slowly meanders into casual flirtatious affairs with girls at college. 

All through it, he realises that none of them have his undying, true love. A time comes when he realises who he truly loves, and in the midst of it all, he handles brutal enmity and takes on vile characters that misbehave with his friends. 

Sarfaraz's grows up in Coimbatore when there occur a series of bomb blasts. His identity is called in question, as his status as a Muslim makes people see him as an enemy. He loses something precious in the blasts and leaves to Sharjah, only for life to find him and surprise him.

                                                                       My Review

Let me sum it up in three words- fresh, perfectly stringed and above par description of places and events.
The Colour of Love by Jagdish Joghee is a story which revolves around protagonist named Sarfaraz and his life. Sarfaraz who hails from middle class, born and brought by Muslim parents, he too inculcated strong values from his parents. Sarfaraz when hit his college he created canvas of memories, some turned out to be fun while few as a nightmare.

The title of the book goes with the story, the cover could have been better. Whereas the book was mixture of teen romance and a thrilling one.

Narration- Narration of the book was fast paced keeping the storyline together. Nowhere I felt being astray from the story, the book was tempting to be completed in a single sitting.

Language- Being the second novel by Author, he kept the promise of surprising his readers; the language was simply beautiful and really fresh. A positive punch.

Characters I enjoyed the most

Sarfaraz- Sarfaraz being protagonist keep it’s reader hooked. Boy who might not be boy next door but made girls turn on heels with his impeccable gesture and way of persuation. Sarfzraz, who keep seeking love in beauties but then end up being infatuation and when he realized his love; it was too late to meet the ends but then his life surprise him.

Megha – Megha who one the other side born and brought up in an affluent family was just contrast of Sarfaraz, even they’re religion differs but she was different unlike other spoil rich brat. Megha was a down to earth girl and who kept protecting her friend Sarfaraz .

Rest all characters were justified and enjoyable.

Portions which I enjoyed the most

The book comprises many segments from a middle class boy life to the impact of political powers, from newbie crushes to intense feeling called love which is felt once and stayed forever.

I thoroughly enjoyed from the being the way Author has described a nuclear Muslim family who lead a life like a Spartan and morals with all righteous upbringing and thought school.

Other portion which moved me when Author folds the story to college life, while flipping the pages my memories were even flashing back. College crushes, hustle- bustle, the fest celebration and friendship for lifetime; all these perfectly described.

Author has even mentioned the major gap between religions(Hindu and Muslim) but it diminishes by love and humanity.  Book kept me hooked on a seat till last page, the suspense part was very well kept and written. Trust me, I don’t read the book but I lived.

Negative Punch

1.       Book cover could have been better.

Book Recommendation-  Book is strongly recommended to those who believe in love, to those wants to cherish college-hood and it’s memories and to people who wants to read on friendship. The Colour of Love is compact of all these elements.

Overall Rating I would rate The Colour of Love 4/5 stars  for being the gripping story with perfect story telling art. Book has entered to my favorite book list.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava