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Thursday, 27 October 2016
The Last Relic Of Love by Chentanya Kapoor

Year Published : 2016
Publication : Vishwa Hindu Sahitya Parishad
Author:  ChentanyaKapoor
Genre: Romance/Fiction
Pages :104
Format : Paperback

                                                             Book Synopsis

Zahir, a ruler with a vicious heart started a hateful era of war. In this hateful era Farhan and Amber two lost orphans began their pursuit for love and freedom. Will unexpected encounter with Marineth and sabrina bring their pursuit to an end? Or will the shackles of hate wither the flower of love?

                                                            My Review

Let me begin with something amusing about the book which will catch attention as soon as your flip the cover. When the book arrived I almost thought the book must be written by someone who’s in twenty’s; as soon as I read about author I realized he’s just in class eleventh( youngest writer book I have read and reviewed on my blog) so without delaying I completed the book in a single setting.

The Last Relic of Love is a story about post war which drifted the landmasses and civilians in 2050 but in all these turmoil love keeps the few lives alive. The book dwells into where world in spite of modernity turned into a war zone and once again blood fills the drains, dark clouds witnessed the horrifying sight.

The book cover goes with the storyline but I found the title bit misleading. Cover which reflects the dawn after a dread night where as title depicts the lost and found relationship though the story does have romance part yet I feel the title could have been better.

Story begins with the war time and end up on a love note.  In spite of living and surviving in the ruthless world of future post war the characters somewhere meet their soulmates where as somewhere they loose. Apart from the story I found the poems incredibly attractive.

Language of the book was simple and readable but I strongly feel there’s scope of improvement in future.

The book which was a light read till the end but on the other side the grammatical errors and the editing errors creates a hindrances in the flow of book.

I would rate the book 2.5/5 stars, I am looking forward to read more further writing project of the  author and considering the facts I mentioned above, author would take my review as an encouragement instead of criticism. I hope the next book will definitely blow mine and readers mind.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava