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Monday, 7 November 2016

Title: Ashwamedha, The Game Of Power
Writer: Aparna Sinha
Publisher: Shristi Publishers
Genre: Political Thriller
No. Of pages: 224 pages
Average reading time: 3 and 1/2 hours
Rating: 4/5
My Take:
Book Title and Cover- Cover and title both are intriguing and provides us, the readers, a subtle hint of the contents within. Background image is captivating and the fonts are clearly readable. Blurb is catchy and apt.
Language- Language used is simple, though topped with a few grammatical errors.
Narration- The flow is good. The quotes and poetry pieces used are artistic, and the author deserves an applaud for using right elements at right places.
Characters- Characters are relatable. Every character has got his own space. And the character details are great.
Theme- Though the story is a political thriller but it does have toppings of love and friendship on its political crust.
Plot- Though the plot is a cliché, but the way it's been told is unique, and this makes the book a page turner. The author had told the stories of Ashwin Jamwal and Hades simultaneously showcasing her art of storytelling. Through the twists and turns in the plot authoress had spiced up a page turner. The climax is good and satisfying.
If you love thrillers, then this must be in your to read list. You'll get something worth your time and money.
Reviewed by: Satyam