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Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Sinister Series 1 – Chromozone Flesh and Blood by Paul Roberts

Year Published : 2015
Publisher : Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited
Pages : 258
Format : Kindle Edition

                                                 Book Synopsis

The first book of The Sinister Series features Sara Greene. A mother to an adorable seven year old who is deaf from birth. Straight away their world is thrown into turmoil when a contagious infection is spreading across the United Kingdom, turning the living into a new breed of zombie like no other. Fearful for their lives, Sara has no choice but to build up the courage to protect her only child one way or another. She learns the hard way that the rules have changed. It’s kill or be killed. 

Just how far will Sara go to protect the one thing that means everything to her? Can she put all her instincts aside and become a killer? 

                                               My Review
Chromozone Flesh and Blood is a story which every Zombie lover would love to read. Ya, you heard me right, the book revolves around a group of survivors running to save their life and trying every second to get rid off Zombies who captured the whole United Kingdom. For a second. I thought that I am going to read the same plot of Resident Evil luckily author saved me and yes, it was different though somewhere I found the plot similar but that’s obvious they are after all Zombies and you cannot befriend them or they cannot pass through the walls like ghosts. The book is full of scary portions and human fight against odds. But what happen? Did they survived or they too were turned into Zombies and for that you need to buy and read the book.

Narration- Narration of the book was fast paced and very gripping. I completed the book in a single go and yes it does not ends what happened in any Zombie featuring movie.

Language – Language of the book was crisp but somewhere I felt disappointed due to grammatical errors but its okay sometime we just need to feel the book rather than being a Grammar Nazi.

Characters I enjoyed the most

Sara – Sara, one of the main character, strongly built and really was inspiring virago. Sara who was having everything perfect in her life but suddenly one call from her husband turned her world upside down. Sara who keeps on fighting and experienced the most horrible picture of human destruction, no matter what she keeps her head high and just reminded herself that she needs to be with her son, Harry.

Harry – Harry, was undoubtedly very cute but deaf boy (this could be avoided it made the book resemble like the movie). In spite of being challenged he managed to be very careful and behave like a good boy. Mumma’s boy!

Libby – Libby, woman who was a hard nutshell to crack, not so friendly and loud mouth character. But I loved how she remain true to her new found friends in disguise and stick around and helped others. Libby was just so enjoyable part. Loved her!!!

Portions which I enjoyed the most – Penning down the best and the loved portion I enjoyed is tough because the book hooked me till the last page, giving me Goosebumps and scaring the hell out of me(I love reading and watching horror but I do get scared!!!) Right, so I was saying I was experiencing creepy pasta and the book just not spared me. The book had very intense and spooky portions like when Sara and Harry found their neighbor woman thrown herself out of the car. How the maniacs run carelessly on the road searching for living cell around them.

Once, done with the book I realized it’s not Resident Evil’s story. The author has perfectly added gamut of feelings into a book and it does work very well. There was part where I found my hand on my mouth, it was scary to think who else can join Zombies and makes everything worse. Right, readers you got to read it book to know what I am talking about.

Negative Punch – The book will give Goosebumps to its reader but it will disappoint them when it comes to grammatical errors. Author could have worked in this particular section otherwise a little tip to readers, avoid such errors and enjoy the story. Later, I felt the story could be more twisted and blended because I was reminded of Resident Evil and Zoombieland but what else I can expect from Zoombies other than tearing out the shit of the living.

Book Recommendation - I’m not going to ask readers to be specific this time because we all love watching movie thus, this book will do fulfill your expectations, just go and grab the book and read it. It’s worth reading for all of you.

Overall Rating - I would rate the first installment of Sinister series 3.5/5 stars and would be looking forward for next book in the same series packed with haunting yet powerful content which will again send shivers down the spine.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava