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Wednesday, 20 July 2016
The moment I heard about the new book by my favorite author, Sanjay Chitranshi, I asked for a review copy. (You don't wait to read your favourite authors! You instantly grab the copy! ) A few days later, I received the copy of the book and I could almost sense that reading this book is going to be a hell of a ride.

I started reading the book and I instantly recognised that this book is indeed a political satire, as mentioned on the back of cover. As I read on, I was exposed to the hypocrisy of Indian politics. I admire the insights of author for his brilliant analysis and understanding of Indian political system and caste system.

The language, the plot and the pace of the book makes it a good experience. As I already have read one book by same author, Poetic Penetrations, I found that this book's language was fascinating and  but different. While the previous book had literary language, this book is written in simple language to suit the subject. It clearly indicates that author has clear understanding of subject matter and what language that goes with it. I also felt that the pace of the plot was fast, gripping and you just can't put down the book!

When asked what was the basic purpose behind writing this book, author says that it was not only to expose hypocrisy of Indian socio-political system, but also to improve upon them so as India can become strong, prosperous and truly great. I believe that author has definitely succeeded in his purpose and has certainly left a long lasting impact on my mind.

I recommend this book to everyone who wishes to explore deep into the Indian political system and how it works. It's a brilliant satire, written in extremely fast and gripping pace, and beautiful language. I rate this book a 4 our of 5 for it's brilliant analysis and presentation of Indian political system.

This is the book you might wanna read over and over again. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going back to re read Dalits, Dynasty and She by Sanjay Chitranshi!
What are you waiting for? Grab the book now!


Note: A huge thanks to Sanjay Chitranshi for giving me the review copy of the book! I really appreciate it.

~Rishikesh Pande