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Thursday, 31 January 2019

                     Between You and Me by Atul Khanna

Year Published: 2018
Published by: Bloomsbury India
Pages: 291
Genre: Non- fiction
Format: Paperback

                                          Book Synopsis

The governance models based on social, constitutional, economic and administrative structure were conceptualised in the nineteenth century or earlier and were executed in the twentieth century. India is our setting, but the problem is universal. This book challenges the existing structures and provokes the youth to think out of the box to combat such challenges.

                                             My Review

Between You and Me dwells into the societal problem which is prevailing from long before the country’s foundation is laid. Author has stressed about how great leaders shaped the country but still they too had loop holes and the promises made by them were not fulfilled. The promises to citizen passed from one term of the political party to the other.

The narrative style is quiet good, it’s like the book is actually doing the conversation which will make the readers hook to the book. Language is simple and it will not push the readers to hunch over the dictionary. Another great thing about the book is, it is well researched and lot of political, social and economic topic has touched upto great extent.

Author has expressed his hopes for better India and how we the people and constitution can join hands for country upliftment. The book is divided into three parts. The part one explains the leaders and their roles from time to time. Part two explains how the government model operates in our country, the economic statues and how one can contribute in the country by taking certain responsibilities. Last, part three tells how the goals are still far-fetched and why do we need a constitution which is not protected by law but also the law makers, politically active members and the society.

Overall the book was quick and a good read. I would rate the book 4/5 stars.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava