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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Date Published: January 20, 2015

Publisher: Gargi Publisher

Pages: 160
Source: Review copy provided by Sandeep Sharma

Format: Paperback

Goodreads Synopsis

From childhood, the world in which we live, teaches us to bury our ‘bad’ past somewhere deep inside us, so deep, that even we can’t dig it back and after that just move on. 

What happens when a 10 year old child, who claims to be your future son, comes to you to help you find a perfect match for his mother? What happens when eventually you start to doubt on his intentions? What happens when a girl starts to turn your dreams into nightmares? What happens when your ‘Future son’ starts to haunt you? What happens when your FUTURE starts to bleed in your PRESENT through your PAST? 

‘Hey Dad! Meet My Mom!!!’ is nothing less than a roller coaster ride of comedy, fear, love and don't forget to expect the unexpected!

Find out more at:

My Review

A couple of days ago, I found out about this amazing book called, Hey Dad! Meet My Mom… Written by Sandeep Sharma and Leepi Agrawal. As soon as I read the blurb of this book, I knew I had to get my hands on it. There was something strangely beautiful and scary about this book’s title which intrigued me. I knew I just had to contact authors for review copy. One of the authors, Sandeep Sharma, was kind enough to courier me a review copy of this book and that’s when I embarked on the journey of this wonderful story.

If you ask me, the USP of Hey Dad! Meet My Mom is the story. This story is probably the most fascinating stories I have ever read. The story of HDM3 starts with a prologue, giving us the slightest hint of what is coming our way, but leaves us completely guessing at every turn and in utter shock throughout the book. The incidents taking place in the story are so unpredictable that you will never be able to guess what’s going to happen next. The story of HDM3 is like a dream; like a dream, it takes over our mind slowly and steadily with light humor and lollipop and later turns our imagination upside down leaving us baffled and confused at what’s going to happen next.

The most fascinating feature of this book is the dreams. The protagonist sees dreams or nightmares to be precise, in his sleep, which leaves him baffled and in fear and the way these dreams or nightmares have been incorporated in the book was my personal favorite part of the book. The dreams have a meaning, they say. In HDM3, dreams play a vital role. Without dreams, story of HDM3 would have felt like a body without soul. The manner in which authors have written the dreams or nightmares have seriously left me speechless.

Another fascinating feature of this book is original poems which go along with the story and the theme of the book. I really enjoyed the poem with which the novel ends. Every chapter comes with a few original verses which were very unique and interesting. For a poetry lover, this was a bonus! The authors have done seriously great job with original poems. Kudos to them!

But, one thing I didn’t really like about the book was the staleness of the language and the metaphors. Both the writers are still young and they have written a really good story. But, somewhere, the language and the metaphors failed to do justice, to the story. I kept wishing for paragraphs or sentences which I could mark as the noteworthy, but, I came empty handed. All I can say is that, there’s still scope for improvement in the language of both the authors.   

I would rate this wonderful book 3 out of 5 for the unpredictable story and the original poems written by the author. This book is recommended for all the book lovers who enjoy a light read during travelling or for those who love reading on a weekend night tucked in bed. This book is recommended to everyone who loves a good story with humor, romance, and mystery. And last but not the least, this is a book recommended to all the boys whose mothers are probably looking for a bride.

Huge thanks to Sandeep Sharma for the review copy!


Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Date Published: November, 2014

Pages: 262
Source: Review copy provided by Jyoti Arora

Format: Kindle Edition

Goodreads Synopsis

'It's all your fault.'
Mere words these are. "But words can possess a shadow invincible enough to rob even a soul of its eternity." 

In a society that finds it easier to mark sins of a victim than the culprit, Nirvi is a young girl punishing herself for the faults she did not do and avenging her hurts by defeating her own truth.

She is scared of her future, and ashamed of her past. She is failing herself, and knows it. She has had a long line of boyfriends, and hated them all. She detests the guy she is living with, runs away from the one she loves , and seduces the one who can never love her. When Arsh first sees Nirvi, she's a free and frank girl in whose eyes sparkle the lemony zest of life. The next time he sees her, she is a voiceless doll draped in clothes that cover her body less and shroud her soul more. And Arsh can't rest till he finds out what made Nirvi give up her own real self.

Nirvi knows she is dragging herself on a path from which there can be no recovery. Can her spirit survive the treacherous downfall? Or is the pull of fear and push of desperation just too strong to withstand for a girl who believes she has "nowhere else to go" but down.
"When it's time for you to fall in love, even a lemon can become the cause of it," says Arsh.

But can love survive, when even the self love dies?Can love survive when respect is no more?Does true love have the power to revive a dying soul?Find out in the pages of this brilliantly woven, intense, heart-warming and thought-provoking saga of RISING IN LOVE... 

First 12 chapters of the book are now available as free download at:

My Review

"A young, pretty, confident and gracious girl with a dream in her eyes and last but not the least, a story behind her smile"

Although I wrote these words almost a year ago, I still remember them as if I just came across them. The reason why I’m bringing the caption up again from the past is these words: 'Story behind her smile'. While I read ‘Lemon Girl’ by Jyoti Arora, I was gripped with curiosity, like darkness grips the night and, the question reverberated in my body and soul was what the story behind Nirvi’s smile is? Lips which purse just too perfectly to bring out the most perfect smile must surely be a lie and, deep down, under the bottom of the ocean, the truth awaits to be discovered. As I read on, I found out there’s indeed a great story behind that smile.

‘Lemon Girl’ by Jyoti Arora is a great Indian story of a great Indian woman, Nirvi, the lead character of the book. The dance of sorrow in Nirvi's eyes and the emptiness of her smile ignited the curiosity of not only Arsh, the lead male character of the book, but also me. What happened to Lemon Girl, I wondered. This is where Jyoti Arora didn't disappoint me. Jyoti Arora weaves a mystery around this very question and takes just the perfect time to reveal the truth. Just as a cocoon takes just the perfect time to turn into a beautiful butterfly, Jyoti Arora reveals the mystery of Nirvi at the right place and right time. And, then Jyoti Arora's story unfolds like a night; it falls slowly calming our souls and then, takes us through the darkest and scariest nights of our lives and, in the end, as the dawn appears, leaves us with tears in eyes and hopes in our hearts.

One of the most fascinating features of the novel is the narration of the story. Jyoti Arora, with her two weapons, a Post Graduate in English Literature and Applied Psychology, narrates the story shifting between two lead characters Nirvi and Arsh’s point of views smoothly and narrates the psychology of both the characters. Jyoti Arora does justice to both the characters perfectly, especially to Nirvi, a girl with a troubled past. I really enjoyed the parts where Nirvi narrated the story. In fact, that was my favorite part of the narration – Nirvi’s narration.

Not only the novel but also a fantastic first page Dedication of Jyoti Arora left me speechless.

Jyoti Arora, a feminist, I assume, couldn’t have chosen better words than this to dedicate the book to Indian women when she says,

“In earlier times, Indian women suffered in the name of culture. Now it’s being done in the name of loss of culture.”

Hardly had I read this very first line of her dedication, when I knew I had the ‘best book of the year’ in my hands.

Well, I have a dedication myself to all the ladies who fell victims to the cruel hands of lust; to all the ladies who are brave and determined to live a respectable life in this unfair world; to all those who are broken, crawling in the dust, helpless and suffering; and last but not the least, to the ‘Lemon Girl’ and the ‘Caption Girl’. I borrow words from Maya Angelou’s poetry, ‘I Rise’, and let her words be my dedication:

“You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may tread me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.
I rise
I rise
I rise.”

Will Nirvi ever rise from the dirt? Will Nirvi’s smile ever be back? Will Nirvi earn respect in this unfair world? Will she ever fulfill her dreams?

 Read ‘Lemon Girl’ by Jyoti Arora to find out…

Lemon Girl by Jyoti Arora deserves a rating of 5 out of 5! She showed me the mirror of an imperfect world and the beauty of love in the same book and for that she deserves full marks! I recommend this book to every Indian men and women, to every parent, children, grandparents, in fact, to every Indian. This is a book recommended to all feminists and victims of cruel hands of lust. I assure you, you will have a great time reading this book.

Huge thanks to Jyoti Arora Ma'am for Review Copy!

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Date Published: February 4, 2015

Publisher: Jaico
Pages: 404
Source: Review copy provided by Blogadda
Format: Paperback

Goodreads Synopsis

Shattered Dreams is the sequel to the national bestseller, Rise of the Sun Prince, in the new spiritual and motivational series Ramayana - The Game of Life. Twelve joyful years have passed in Ayodhya since the wedding of Rama and Sita at the end of Book 1.

Now, in Shattered Dreams, Shubha Vilas narrates the riveting drama of Rama’s exile. Through tales of Rama’s unwavering and enigmatic persona, the book teaches us how to handle reversals positively; through Bharata’s actions, it teaches us to handle temptation; and through Sita’s courage, to explore beyond our comfort zone. This complicated family drama provides deep insights on how human relationships work and how they fail.

With Valmiki’s Ramayana as its guiding light, Shattered Dreams deftly entwines poetic beauty from the Kamba Ramayana and Ramacharitramanas, as well as folk philosophy from the Loka Pramana tales, to demonstrate how the ancient epic holds immediate relevance to modern life. Experience the ancient saga of the Ramayana like never before

My Review

Ramayana and Mahabharata are the epic mythological tales known to many and have been told and re-told many a times. But, even if we are aware of these epic tales, have we really understood them completely? Have we really gone through the details of each and every incident that takes place and took lessons from them? Have we really discovered the hidden psychological gems from the epic tales? Have we ever walked into, not only shoes but also skin of, each one of the Ramayana’s characters and understood why they did what they did?

No? Well, don’t worry! Shubha Vilas, a spiritual seeker and motivational speaker, has done it for us.

‘Shattered Dreams’, written by Shubha Vilas, is the sequel to the national bestseller, ‘Rise of the Sun Prince’ and is a part of series, ‘Ramayana - The Game of Life.’ To be honest, I was a little skeptical about the book but, Shubha Vilas’s book has come to me as a huge surprise and left a lifelong impression on me. And here’s why:

Shubha Vilas has dived in deeper in the vast ocean of knowledge from the Ramayana and has touched every stone which was left unturned for all these years. He has presented it to us in his book in simple and lucid language and has left us bewildered at the knowledge, the perspectives, and the management skills that can be learnt from the epic tale of Ramayana. These lessons and skills are also useful in day-to-day life, especially for managers and can be applied to personal relationships. Shubha Vilas has done what most Ramayana versions probably failed to do all these years and has left me, someone who never read mythology genre books, completely hooked to the book. I found myself in utter disbelief that I too enjoyed a mythology genre book.

Shubha Vilas has done a great job in carefully arranging chapters and each chapter has innumerable footnotes giving us the depth missing from the epic tale all these years. If you ask me, footnotes presented in the book are probably the most prominent feature of this book.

The best part about Shubha Vilas’s book is the language. His language flows smoothly throughout the book and his words flow like a river flows through the mountain ranges but only to meet the vast ocean in the end as if to give a complete sense of satisfaction to his readers. His words and sentences not only tell an epic tale of Ramayana but also send his readers in trance!

This book is recommended to all the readers who want to swim in the vast ocean of psychological depth Shubha Vilas has explored in the epic tale of Ramayana in very simple and unique language. In fact, I would recommend readers to get a copy of book one and two and the entire upcoming series as this is the knowledge and the depth we all have been waiting for inside the epic tale of Ramayana.

Having said all that, it is just a formality now to rate this wonderful book by Shubha Vilas. I rate this wonderful book 4 out of 5 for surprising me with its wonderful insights and giving me a complete sense of satisfaction by the end of this book.  

Huge Thanks to Blogadda for Review copy!

This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. 

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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The Unbreakable You is a collection of 27 stories and each one of them is unique in their own way. But for me, only one story, 'Her Diary' by Miss Ruchi Rai, caught my attention.

It is a story of a young girl who faces the toughest test of time and goes through a series of events which shatter her world. She goes through the loss of someone dear and when this wasn't enough she becomes a victim of lust and betrayal by someone she never imagined even in her wildest dreams. 

But the story isn't just stating a series of events, the girl goes through, but goes one step further into the mind of the girl who has lost all hopes of ever becoming whole again. This story not only gives you insights into the broken hearted girl, but also questions, to my surprise, 'true meaning of life'.

'Her Diary', a story of a young and vibrant girl, Miss Ruchi Rai, gripped me like darkness grips the night and in that infinite darkness, her protagonist still looks for a ray of hope. Miss Ruchi Rai's story of a broken hearted girl captures your soul like a predator and leaves it with invisible scars - invisible scars with infinite pain and boundless suffering. This story forces you to rethink about love and lust. This story is a must read for every boy who ever broke a girl's heart, for every girl blinded by love and for every parent with children.  

Can she pick up the pieces of her broken heart and become whole again? Can she find her 'ray of hope' in the midst of infinite darkness which surrounds her? Can she ever find happiness in an unfair world? Well, read 'Her Diary' by Miss Ruchi Rai to find out more. 

You can buy 'The Unbreakable You' by Write India Publishers from Amazon at surprisingly low prices.


Let me begin by saying that I had underestimated the power of books written by Paulo Coelho for some unknown reason. This specific book changed my pre-conceptions (miss-conceptions, so to speak) about the author and his work and that's exactly why I'm writing this review. Veronica Decides to Die is a book by Paulo Coelho which has been in my to-read list since last 3-4 years. For some reason, the subject of this book fascinated me.

It's a story of a young girl, Veronica, who decides to die. At first, author deals with veronica's reasons behind committing suicide which he does in excruciating details. He delves deeper inside mind and soul of veronica and makes you wonder whether life is worth living.

But, her suicide attempt fails and she lands up in a mental hospital. There, she meets a few inmates and every one of them has a different but interesting story to be there. In the mental hospital, just when veronica is planning another attempt at her life, to her surprise and readers', she comes to know that she has only a week to live.

And that's when the author starts to weave a web of words around the life in mental hospital, patients and their extra-ordinary stories and amazes you with his incredible power to hold your attention up to a level where even your partners won't be able to seduce you into putting the book down.

Author tells us incredible and extra-ordinary stories of patients and makes you question the phenomenon commonly known as: Insanity. One by one, he introduces more patients and their stories and forces you to wonder whether there's anything wrong in being 'insane'.

The most important theme Paulo dealt with in this book is 'what it means to be insane'. He deals with the subject of insanity, being different and normal in excruciating details and forces you through an exhausting journey in a desert and leaves thirsty for more answers but in the end does offer some.  

To my surprise, this book's central theme is entirely author's own earlier life experiences in mental hospital. This is a book which takes you through the darkness of the night and then the sun sets in with a promise of a distant land with a ray of hope, love and happiness.

This powerful book is a must read for everyone who wants to delve deeper inside the psyche of normal, different and insane people. It is a book recommended for all those who have had to face depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts etc at least once in their life. This book will make you question the dogmatic society and give you a ray of hope in an 'insane world'.

Finally, I rate this book 4 out of 5 mainly for surprising me with the incredible insights into the mind and soul of the subject 'insanity' and forcing me to re-think about true meaning of my life.


Love is blind, they say. But, ironically, no relationship works without blind trust on one's partner. What happens when this blind trust works against the very 'foundation' of love?   

'The Notebook of Romance: Moonlit Matinee 3', which will be released on 14th February 2015, has 25 heart-touching tales written by authors from all across the country. But, one of the most fast paced yet gripping tales is written by a young author from Aurangabad, Maharashtra, Kedar Vitekar.

Kedar's story, 'Love Is Blind', is probably the most outstanding stories in the anthology which questions the very foundation of love - blind trust. It's easier to fall in love but harder to trust someone blindly. Trusting someone blindly over internet becomes the hardest job in the world yet, the protagonist in Kedar's story does so perfectly. Kedar's story deals with blind trust and the dangers of it so beautifully that you might want to re-read it over and over again.

One of the highlights of Kedar's story is the relationship between a father and a son. A father gives everything to his son - love and care. But what happens when this love and care turns into hatred or fear of society? This story forces you to re-think about societal evils and how these evils turn a loving and caring man into something, well, evil.

Kedar's story, a beautifully written story, is like killing two birds with one stone.

This story, 'Love is blind', is a must read for all lovers out there as well as for those enemies of love.

You can buy Kedar's book, 'The Notebook of Romance: Moonlit Matinee 3' at surprisingly low prices from Flipkart or Amazon.


Amazon India:


'The Notebook Of Romance: Moonlit Matinee 3' Published by Gargi Publishers is out in the market now for you all to grab! This is a collection of 25 most beautiful love stories written by 25 most talented writers of our generation. But, Akash Rumade, a 21 year old from a small town Roha in Maharashtra, is not only talented but gifted writers of our time. His story, 'The Pristine Love', is a must read for all the Romeos out there. And here's why:

Akash's story, 'The Pristine Love', is set in Alibaug and I can guarantee you that by the time you finish reading his story, you'll fall in love with the beautiful beaches and Alibaug. His story is unique and heart touching, most probably because it's not a usual story.

Akash's story starts from a small gift shop in Alibaug and takes us so much deeper inside the heart and soul of the city that there's no turning back. Laxman aka Lucky, the protagonist of the story, is probably the most fascinating character I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Akash beautifully captures Laxman's thoughts, emotions and various activities and leaves us guessing at what Laxman will do next.
Akash's beautiful story also captures the recently renovated apartment in which protagonist spends most of his time during the story. And that's when the Akash lits the 'candles' (probably number 1 and 9) of our brain and takes us into the flashback.

In flashback mode of the story, Akash takes us down the memory lane and leaves us with teary eyes on a beach under a starry night in Alibaug. Akash, it really is the hardest to stop tears when you are alone. He left no emotions untouched for us to point out.

He is definitely a 'mind reader' who loves keeping himself busy with the 'glimmering beauty' of the night. His story is nothing but a 'Birthday Gift' for the girl of his dreams. Access protagonist, Laxman, celebrates the birthday of the girl of Laxman's dreams, in the apartment and when he does, ironically, an inexplicable sadness and pain grips your boat of emotions and takes the boat to an an unknown island far away from the mainland only to leave it shattered and broken. Akash, your true power lies not in the language, setting of your story, but in the vast ocean of emotions. I would suggest Laxman, the protagonist, not to wait until 35 to become an author.

Coming to the best part and my personal favorite part of the story is set again in the apartment where Akash left his protagonist Laxman before taking us through the flashback. Access story's highlight is the last two paragraphs where he explains in depth, but to my surprise in fewer words, philosophy of 'first love', the Pristinity (if there is any such word) of first love and loving selflessly. This is where Akash leaves his readers completely numb, speechless and in tears.

Akash Rumade's story, 'The Pristine Love', is a fabulous story filled with emotions, love, beautiful beaches of Alibaug and is a must read for every pristine soul out there. And if your soul ain't pristine, I bet your soul will have transformed into one by the time you finish his story.

Akash's story can be read in the book, 'The Notebook of Romance: Moonlit Matinee 3' Published by Gargi Publishers and can be ordered at surprisingly low prices.



'The Notebook of Romance: Moonlit Matinee 3' Published by Gargi Publishers is out in the market for everyone to grab copies! This is an anthology of 25 heart touching stories written by 25 most talented writers of our time. But, for all those, who have already bought the copy of this book, or wish to do so soon, which story to start reading from must be a difficult task. This is where I can definitely help you out.

Shraddha Sahi, an ophthalmologist from Pune, Maharashtra, has written the most beautiful romantic, realistic and humoristic story, 'Letters From Ladakh', in the most unique format I have ever seen. Her story is actually a series of letters written from the heart and soul of Leh-Ladakh by her female protagonist to her mother and her best friend while the couple is out on honeymoon.

Who in god's name goes for a honeymoon in Leh-Ladakh? Shraddha's protagonist asks the same question to her best friend furiously. Shraddha's protagonist hates the fact that she has to spend her honeymoon in freezing cold in Leh-Ladakh, when she was expecting sandy beaches of Goa and sunbath. Her happily ever after dreams stink!

Shraddha's story consists of a series of cute love moments - from 'we'll snuggle for warmth' to flaunting her 'new acquisition' and of course, 'becoming wise' with time so as not to embarrass her so called new acquisition - which definitely makes one involuntarily 'awww'. Awww! Is thatis that British English or US English?

Shraddha's story, 'Letters From Ladakh', is the most realistic account of arranged married couple on honeymoon and their cute romantic love moments. Shraddha finds herself attracted to stories about women - strong ones, kickass ones and funny one, she says in her author's bio. Shraddha rightly justifies her female protagonist as kickass, strong and funny. This is the story of every woman, she says. And, I agree. Her female protagonist is funny and interesting and Shraddha will make you laugh even at her embarrassing moments. This is where Shraddha's true power lies - she can make you laugh with almost any moment - embarrassing or otherwise. Her exceptional humor is evident in the story. Her exceptionally beautiful, romantic story will make you laugh as hard and as loud as Mr. Navjyot Singh Siddhu's. You'll probably end up at a comedy show as a paid audience some day if you read Shraddha's story at least once. Your laugh will be unstoppable! 

By the way, have you ever been to Leh-Ladakh? No? Well, Shraddha will take you to heaven on earth in freezing cold and will make you fall in love with the place by the time you finish reading her story. She will make you live inside a tent at Pangong Lake, scare the hell out of you with sounds of wind at night and…wait a minute! Is there…is there someone hiding inside my tent? She will make you snuggle each other for warmth in freezing cold and if you're with a bunch of guys then, well, have a great gay-honeymoon guys!

Shraddha's story, 'Letters From Ladakh', is a must read story for every women out there. And, for all the guys, you might wanna read this story for some useful insights on women and some Do's and Don'ts tips.

Does Shraddha's female kickass and funny protagonist love a honeymoon in Leh-Ladakh? Does she fall in love with her husband, Gaurav, in Leh-Ladakh? Or does she end up divorcing him?

Read Shraddha's story, ‘Letters From Ladakh’, to find out more.

You can read Shraddha's story, 'Letter's From Ladakh', in 'Notebook of Romance: Moonlit Matinee 3' Published by Gargi Publishers by ordering the book at surprisingly low prices.

