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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Date Published: January 20, 2015

Publisher: Gargi Publisher

Pages: 160
Source: Review copy provided by Sandeep Sharma

Format: Paperback

Goodreads Synopsis

From childhood, the world in which we live, teaches us to bury our ‘bad’ past somewhere deep inside us, so deep, that even we can’t dig it back and after that just move on. 

What happens when a 10 year old child, who claims to be your future son, comes to you to help you find a perfect match for his mother? What happens when eventually you start to doubt on his intentions? What happens when a girl starts to turn your dreams into nightmares? What happens when your ‘Future son’ starts to haunt you? What happens when your FUTURE starts to bleed in your PRESENT through your PAST? 

‘Hey Dad! Meet My Mom!!!’ is nothing less than a roller coaster ride of comedy, fear, love and don't forget to expect the unexpected!

Find out more at:

My Review

A couple of days ago, I found out about this amazing book called, Hey Dad! Meet My Mom… Written by Sandeep Sharma and Leepi Agrawal. As soon as I read the blurb of this book, I knew I had to get my hands on it. There was something strangely beautiful and scary about this book’s title which intrigued me. I knew I just had to contact authors for review copy. One of the authors, Sandeep Sharma, was kind enough to courier me a review copy of this book and that’s when I embarked on the journey of this wonderful story.

If you ask me, the USP of Hey Dad! Meet My Mom is the story. This story is probably the most fascinating stories I have ever read. The story of HDM3 starts with a prologue, giving us the slightest hint of what is coming our way, but leaves us completely guessing at every turn and in utter shock throughout the book. The incidents taking place in the story are so unpredictable that you will never be able to guess what’s going to happen next. The story of HDM3 is like a dream; like a dream, it takes over our mind slowly and steadily with light humor and lollipop and later turns our imagination upside down leaving us baffled and confused at what’s going to happen next.

The most fascinating feature of this book is the dreams. The protagonist sees dreams or nightmares to be precise, in his sleep, which leaves him baffled and in fear and the way these dreams or nightmares have been incorporated in the book was my personal favorite part of the book. The dreams have a meaning, they say. In HDM3, dreams play a vital role. Without dreams, story of HDM3 would have felt like a body without soul. The manner in which authors have written the dreams or nightmares have seriously left me speechless.

Another fascinating feature of this book is original poems which go along with the story and the theme of the book. I really enjoyed the poem with which the novel ends. Every chapter comes with a few original verses which were very unique and interesting. For a poetry lover, this was a bonus! The authors have done seriously great job with original poems. Kudos to them!

But, one thing I didn’t really like about the book was the staleness of the language and the metaphors. Both the writers are still young and they have written a really good story. But, somewhere, the language and the metaphors failed to do justice, to the story. I kept wishing for paragraphs or sentences which I could mark as the noteworthy, but, I came empty handed. All I can say is that, there’s still scope for improvement in the language of both the authors.   

I would rate this wonderful book 3 out of 5 for the unpredictable story and the original poems written by the author. This book is recommended for all the book lovers who enjoy a light read during travelling or for those who love reading on a weekend night tucked in bed. This book is recommended to everyone who loves a good story with humor, romance, and mystery. And last but not the least, this is a book recommended to all the boys whose mothers are probably looking for a bride.

Huge thanks to Sandeep Sharma for the review copy!