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Friday, 29 April 2016
  18 Via Teen
         “Be yourself”   Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava

Year Published: 2016
Publisher: Dream House Publication
Pages : 114
Format : Paperback

                                            Book Synopsis

'18 Via Teen- Be yourself' the name says it all. It enumerates the various phases of a teen and the hopes, aspirations, apprehensions, ambiguity, insecurity, dilemma, restlessness and sensitiveness, associated with each phase. Each story vividly depicts the psychological aspects of a teenage girl/boy and how the intuition helps her/his to overcome the hurdles one after another, which in teen makes her/his matured.

                                              My Review
18 via Teen “ Be Yourself “ by Shreyasi Rhittika Phukon , is a book which deals with that phase of life which is not untouched by anyone of us i.e. TEEN . Teen , which means age which will make us experience the forthcoming vicissitudes of life but all we got to have equipoise on our mind and the intonation in the surroundings . The book is about teen and it will be a ride which will take us to the our teenage and yeah ! those who are teen yet they will their reflection too .

When I picked the book I didn’t know the Author’s words are so magical that I actually see myself in some of the stories . I was abash !! Let’s begin with the introductory note that the Author write to us about teen , it was impeccable mam ! She has beautifully penned her thoughts and which isn’t a fiction . Each story was different from the other and yes the stories were part of us . You will feel it like me !!

Stories that touched my heart

1.The Different Barks – Story which reflects hidden tale of girl’s heart , how a girl face when she’s out and how worse she could feel herself shedding apart due to eve teasing . Apart from it , it will tell you how actually our parents reacts due to our sudden change in our behavior . Being the opening story , it is very interesting and eye opening . A Good Start . !

2. Thanks for Nothing -  Child first teacher is their parents but what if our parents neglect us and only gets involved in their personnel issues . Yet another story which I truly loved and enjoyed .  The story was gripping but it couldn’t better if any other title would be given to this story .

3. Full Stop – Full stop is story about when a transfer effect teen mind . A teen leave behind everything and is asked to accept the surrounding but what he/she needed the most ? Support . Yes . Dear Author , a much thanks for writing this story , if felt that you just pooped into my heart and pen down my own tale . Nostalgia.

4. Teenage Crush – While I was reading this story , “ Fifteen “ song by Taylor Swift was constantly humming in my mind . First crush , first heartbreak but it’s not the ending . Lyrical story !!

5. Speak Dad Speak -  A soft story about when a child loss his mother and how beautifully and in a gusty way his father played both the roles . Strongly recommended  to those parents who have suffered loss of their better half . Trust me it’s a guide story for you .

6. Justice Doesn’t Mean Satisfaction – When we say tit for tat it’s not always justified , every action has equal and opposite reaction but the damaged can  be minimized . A story about a sister whose wrath and revenge which turned her life turmoil but still she wasn’t satisfied .

Negative Punch-

In the entire book I only found one negative point in the story “ I returned for you “ how a dead person can return ? This story could have been written with more twits to justified the title and which can be acceptable in reality otherwise the whole book was fantastic .

18 via Teen is on the teenage but I personally recommend you all to read it once , twice and thrice . The book is not less a guide for a teen , parent and teacher . You will surely take down notes at the end of the day . Good  Job Miss. Author .

I would like to rate this book 4/5 . A must read book . !!!!

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava 


Shreyasi Rhittika said...

Thank you so much !!