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Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Honour for a Ransom by Rajnish Gambhir

Year Published : 2015
Publisher : Leadstart Publishing House
Pages : 370
Format : Paperback

                                                Book Synopsis

"April 13th, 1978...

Kartar Singh, an upper caste agriculturist, guns down his newly married daughter Simran and her lower caste husband, for the sake of 'upholding family honour'.His ex-lover, Sarah Jefferson (a British psychologist) visits him in jail to discover that Kartar has been a victim of ruthless manipulation at the hands of his politician father, Dilawar Singh, who is known to unconditionally despise the lower caste.

 Vowing justice for Kartar, Sarah embarks on an intriguing mission, venturing to turn the tables against the unscrupulous Dilawar, who by now is a powerful minister in the Punjab cabinet. 

Curiously delving into his boyhood days, she is astonished to learn that young Dilawar was in fact an 'affable-boy-next-door' who too had a love life, having lost his heart to a beautiful girl in Lahore...

 What then caused this drastic transformation in his attitude and personality? 

With the time fast running out, can Sarah succeed in nailing Dilawar as the chief culprit for the honour killings? Will she be able to reunite with Kartar - the only man she ever loved? 

A heartrending love story - Honour for a Ransom unfolds through the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, horrifying hazards of partition, romantic strolls by the Thames, and the unbending complexities of the rigid caste system."

                                            My Review

Rajnish Gambhir  , Honour for a Ransom is a story which revolves around a heart wrecking , journey of love and confession , a story about how a gullible heart changes completely after a merciless incident that occurred in his/her past life and how the old customs laid down in our society drastically effects our lives.This is a story of a ruthless grandfather,a priceless granddaughter , virago who falls in the trap of caste system and a melancholy father whose ink bleeds his pain and umbrage  for loosing the shinning star of his life.

So let’s begin with the title of the story which was catchy and compelled me to dig into this book which left me content and thrilled . The cover picture of the book  was absolutely perfect , I couldn’t ponder of any other picture.Moreover, I discovered something magical when I completed the book and flipped back to see the cover ‘ dedication ‘ the word popped in my mind.Another part which I loved,was the presentation of the chapters.Intriguing !!! Apart from all these things,I enjoyed the way the author had written the book.Eye pleasing work Sir !!!

Characters which touched my heart

Dilawar Singh -  Dilawar Singh being the hard nutshell of the story, he’s very real if we look around.Ruthless , arrogant & a powerful man,yet a soft heart resides in him.The best part I loved about this very character is that,it' s so real,I could actually see a person like him-so real.Most gripping character!!

Kartar Singh – Kartar Singh a loner in love.Later his daughter filled those void shades of his life.A literature lover but forced to keep his feelings inside his sleeves.A son who loved his mother beyond any limits and who followed his father's instructions like anything and a father who loved his daughter the most in the world but he soon,let his smile fade away.The best part I enjoyed about Kartar is ‘ acceptance ‘ which we seek in so many men.

Portions which touched my heart - 

There were many moments or better say scenes,that I loved but my favorite portion was when the two lost souls met in the cell,in spite for being apart for more than two decades.The other one,when we learn from other's lives,that even,in the worst of situations,how we can seek the joy of life by simply accepting the things they are. Personally learned few lessons from the book !!!!

The book was  a complete package of emotions,hatred,self denial and acceptance.The book wasn’t guessing at all.Each segment was perfectly written and portrayed and the most eye popping was the ending chapters.Perfect !!!

Book is totally about  after effects of honour killing.I would sincerely recommend this book to be read by everyone . It’s crispy !!!

My Rating-  For perfect story and fascinating narration,I would love to rate this book 4.5/5.Waiting to read more from you Sir  !!!

Reviewed by – Aditi Srivastava