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Saturday, 28 May 2016
Heart of Bullets by Nikhil Kushwaha

Year Published : 2015
Publisher : Petals Publishers
Pages : 293
Format : Paperback


                                                    Book Synopsis

 The only way to get close to those glittering stars in heaven is, to look at a soldier with stars on his shoulders'

 Every time, they're around, the thing that we see is the bravery awards, medals, the pride, but what we can't see is their heart that lies inside the iron chest, some untold stories, sacrifices, and the hardship they've been through. Every soldier has a story that is unique and extra ordinary.

 A tale of brotherhood & heroism, a tale of love & betrayal, 'Heart of Bullets', is about two best friends, Arpan & Sam, and the untold story of their friendship, untold story of their love, Shradha, but what happens when Sam gets hit by the enemy - across the border? 

What will Arpan do to save his friend? Will love prevail over friendship of lifetime? 

There is a decision to be made, is the life without love, and friends, better than dying to save the one we love the most?

                                                My Review

Heart of Bullets is a story of friendship , love , betrayal and sacrifice made on the border . More or less this story is a tribute to all those soldiers who let bullets pierced deep into their heart , which might stopped their breath but their souls live forever . Story about passionate lovers  and how they had separate lives even being born for made for each other. Story about two best friends who stepped into each shoes whenever needed and heart wrecking sacrifice for country and for friendship .

Nikhil Kushwaha , has totally enthralled me with his work . I always enjoyed reading and watching stuff related to my Nation and the book completely left me content . When I picked the book I wasn’t sure that it would be so good that I completed it in a single sitting . The book kept me hooked me from the first page till the last page . The content was very well researched that’s again the reason I enjoyed it . Author’s toil is reflected .

Narration- The book was perfectly presented .  Each chapters were beautifully written . It keeps on flowing .

Language – The language was simple yet catchy  .  Readable .  All the emotional segment were beautifully written and it made my eyes moist too . The other part which I enjoyed were the poems . Loved it !

Characters I enjoyed the most

Arpan – An average looking boy but blessed with best friend like Sam who was more than a brother , a family who loved him like anything and sweet friend who he secretly admired but never confessed anything to her and above all he’s a soldier who lived his severing the nation . A true friend who ,  a proud son and a true human .

Sam – Sam , a boy next door , a kind hearted person who was ready to help everyone even the path was wrong . A boy who wanted to live his life at fullest , an edifier of love and a true friend . Born with perspicuous mind and a gullible heart . His only weakness was love but he defeated that also . And yes soldier like Arpan .

Shardha – Shardha was the girl next door . A warm heart nestled in a shell but then love knocks at her door and it changed her life . She sang the lullabies of love then she murmur dirge for her only friend . A believer of love and a loving daughter .

Portions which I enjoyed the most

The book bring me back few entrenched memories of my school days where we mocked at teachers and gave them crazy pseudonyms , the rush to score well and being the most adored students be it nefarious . The other portion which touched my heart were the segments where friendship was questioned but it cleared passed every fence with spectrum of love and friendship .  Another portion was of a stubborn father who brought upheavals in their lives , we see people like them . Sad but true . And the portion which left me moist when a soldier died on duty. Duty or a scarf ice .

Negative Punch

1.      The cover picture could have been better .
2.    It was guessing in few chapters .

Book Recommendation- I would love to recommend the book to everyone . All age groups can read this . You would find many segments related to your own childhood , school-hood and the friendship . May be you haven’t thanked your friend , may be you will surely thank him or her for being with you after reading this book .

Overall Rating- I would be honored to rate this perfect tour of love, friendship and patriotic work 4/5. A must read !!

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava