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Sunday, 12 June 2016

The Dominion by Adrash Ramesh

Year Published – 2016
Publisher Leadstart Publications
Pages 492
Format – Paperback

                                                                Book Synopsis

"As the beating on the door at Senator Vaughn Fletcher's chamber intensifies, as the deafening, frightening noise of the law enforcement agents converging on all fours escalates, an unforgiving voice commands Nahiossi Griffiths to make an escape from the gory scene of murder and fly down to Amsterdam. However, oddly the Vice President of the United States, Jamie Edwards, is seemingly volunteering to fly with Nahiossi at La Guardia.
 In the midst of a secluded mountain in Berghof, a warrior of the past who proclaims himself as The Fuhrer, forges new alliances and nurtures a legion, of which the ignorant leaders of our structured world are either a part of or the sorry subjects of precariously crafted tweaks in the fabric of their debauched world that impels a gushing wave of chaos.
 A government parallel to the White House, born out of hypocrisy and composed of so-called vindictive idealists has allied with the formidable Mafioso to enforce order within and beyond the frail borders that most unfortunately divide the citizens of the world. As their leader, the Wolf howls, his loyal pups unearth the buried, recover the hidden and right the wrongs.
When PiCorp intervenes into the case of Nahiossi Griffiths, the investigation deepens, hidden facts from the past are exhumed and minions from all fronts converge to fight the battle of the unforgiving and the unfathomable.
 A blend of action, romance, war, vengeance, lust and a battle for power, this book will take you to the epicenter of what the world might turn into if all hell broke loose. Are you ready to plunge into it?""

                                                               My Review

The Dominion by Adarsh Ramesh , book which is dedicated to the bestowed detective of all time Sherlock Holmes by his aficionado . Author efforts are impeccable , the book not only have powerful narration but also every thing is very well researched . In the introductory part by Author he wrote , the book took exactly four years and I could actually see the results .

The Dominion , is a murder mystery of Senator Vaughn , a noble citizen of States and how a single mystery leads to multiple courses of actions and incidents going around . Story of a boy who lost his mother , who lost his love of life by patricide . Story which revolves around assassinations and a conundrum which gets solved inch by inch . The title of the book truly justified the story and the cover was appealing , hawk , wail of a dog , blood and the Nazi man’ Adolf Hitler .; catchy cover picture .     

Narration- The flow and the presentation of the book was fabulous . The book was page turner from the very initial chapter to the last tree of events and timeline consisting of various events took place . Probably it was the highlighted thing I found in very rare books .

Language – The language was very catchy and readable . Enjoyed it!!!

Characters I enjoyed the most –

The characters I enjoyed where the various agents of SWAT ,CATS etc , who were involved in solving the case . Other I enjoyed reading the part of robbers . The assembled information about the crime by Agents were very eye pleasing . Nahiossi , without whom story couldn’t be so better was another character which I enjoyed learning about him in the book . Overall  , the characterization of each and every character were beautifully written and narrated .
Portions which I enjoyed the most-

The portion which I enjoyed was , when the case leave every security authority baffled . It was not less than any Hollywood movie scene . Completely amazing .
Other portion I enjoyed the court scene of Sebastian and Reyes when they both were toiling hard to produce the evidences in the court and hence the judgment was like turning the table .
Robbery portion was my most enjoyed portion , completely content me and most fascinating .
Negative Punch –

1. There were few chapters which we guessing.
2. Few editing mistakes.
3. Too much of time& date changes and locations creates a confusion.

Book Recommendation- The book was completed in a two sitting but it was page turner. No guessing was involved anywhere in the book. The idea and content were fresh. The book is strongly recommended to those who prefer to read thriller. The book will leave you enthrall.

Overall Rating - I would love to rate this dedication to Sherlock Holmes 4/5 stars. A must read book.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava