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Thursday, 30 June 2016
All of Me by Jonali Karmakar 

Year Published : 2016
Published by : Amazon Kindle
Pages : 81
Format :Kindle Edition

                                           Book Synopsis

All of Me is a collection of thirteen little stories that have been gleaned from real life as well as imagination. Exploring a range of genres, these throb with everything primal to human nature: fear, angst, joy, love, and longing. Some stories are designed to elicit smiles, chuckles, and maybe even a belly laugh or two whereas some are meant as a reality check. Universal in nature, each story provides a glimpse of what women empowerment or a lack thereof can mean in a person’s life. 
From a small hamlet in India to the roads of Australia; from a mother’s betrayal to a daughter’s confession; from romance to heartbreak, learn for yourself the what, how and whys. 
Originally written for anthologies and ezines, these stories have been revisited and updated for this new collection. 

                                My Review

All of Me consists of thirteen short stories which are relatable to real life. Reading All of Me was like opening your own nestled part of life and then recollecting it back. Book will pull you to past, present and expected future. Moreover, you’ll find characters are from real life but with different names. You’ll experience love , longing of someone special , betrayal, fear and many more human behavioral emotions blend in pages.
All of Me was  the apt title to the book I really cannot imagine other title better than this . All of Me is nothing your own projection to the various situations and happening of your life.
All of Me book title thrilled me to read more whereas I felt the cover picture could have been better, it somewhere mismatched the book content.
All of Me is short story book and it was completed in a single sitting as the Author has presented the stories in a lucid manner that it makes you stick till the end.

Narration- The narration of the book was perfect, each story was catchy and few were really eye pleasing. Bits and Pieces  was a nice kick start.

Language – The language of the book was simple. Readable to everyone. There were few sections of love and longing I personally enjoyed the most.

Stories which I enjoyed the most 

Burning Bridges-It’s a story about a boy when he realized that he was an adopted child. The story was very touching as it takes you to the place of that boy, you would sense emotions like fear , wrath  and feeling of betrayal.

Confessions of a  Daughter-Confession of a Daughter is story which revolves around a daughter and her  mother who is  heck dedicated towards her household work that she forgets to took care of herself , mother who forgets to stand for herself. A heart wrecking agony and dismal of a daughter towards her mother.

Negative Punch -

1.Book require strong editing, there were grammatical mistakes.
2.Language was very simple, Author could have played with words more beautifully.

Overall Rating- I rate All of Me 3/5 stars. A light read book.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava