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Friday, 24 June 2016
Panorama A Collection of Short Stories by Shilpi Chaklanobis

Year Published : 2016
Publisher: Notion press
Pages: 134
Format: Paperback

                                                      Book Synopsis

A turbulent relationship between a mother and a daughter takes a sudden turn when the daughter stumbles across a past that she never knew.....

The golden period of a professor’s life is tainted by questions about his purpose until one night gives him all the answers he needs........

Desperate times test us all but when hunger drives a girl to do the unthinkable, her life changes forever..........

Woven around the lives of the people around us – the shy girl on the metro, your domestic help, your neighbors and perhaps even you – this collection of short stories will take you on a bittersweet journey that explores the spectrum that is part of any human relationship and all the complexity and chaos that secretly dwell within the homes and hearts of India.

Often laced with an element of introspection, the stories are sure to change the way you see the world around you…  

                                                   My Review 

Panorama A Collection of Short Stories by Shilpi Chaklanobis is a book consisting of series of emotions penned by author . A book which we will make you realize your ignorance, it will make you reflect your own reflection and the book which is fiction but written in a such a manner that you’ll feel it’s someone’s life. Book deals with wonderful stories from everyone’s life and it will leave you content once you are done with it. After a long time I read really good short stories book.

Narration- The narration of book was simple, it was completely page turner and was completed in a single sitting. The initial chapter was a kick start of the book which makes me enjoy the book till last.

Language- Author has penned down each story in a lucid way, which makes it readable to everyone. Simple yet catchy.

Stories I enjoyed the most –

The Thirst- Love can fill us with complete sense of contentment as well as it can create a void in us but what if you realize that all the vacant feeling comes from your own parents only better say mother , yes it will leave you all shattered and makes you apathetic. The thirst is a story of a girl who remain untouched by love of her own mother and one fine day it comes true as a doomsday of her own life.

Bribe- Bribe, the story which was very close to me because I have seen and observed it in my own house, how our parents behave when we start getting inclined more towards either mom or dad, and how they behave to get child’s love and attention. A heart warming story.

The Wait- Poverty can compel you to walk on any path and hence the story. The Wait is a story of a poverty ridden family, who was devastated completely. A loving wife who longed for her husband to return but she wasn’t aware that he had gone so long that he cant return.

Negative Punch – There were few stories which I found could have been better way. Apart from it, book requires a bit of editing.

Book Recommendation – Book is recommended to everyone because it contains stories which you might close to your own life.

Overall Rating - I would love to rate this book for penning down perfect blend of emotions 4/5.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava