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Monday, 23 May 2016
Let The Game Begin! By Sandeep Sharma

Year Published : 2013
Publisher : Inspire India  Publishers
Pages : 170
Format : Paperback 

                                      Book Synopsis

Two kingdoms, Chaturanga and Sarprakt, separated by a mystic mountain range are at war with each other since ages. Chaturanga, ruled by King Viratha, is soon bestowed with a dynamic heir, and the whole kingdom is drowned in rituals and festivity. On the other side, Sarprakt is executing a cruel conspiracy. King Viratha, crippled by the conspiracy, urges the mysterious man of the mountain to devise a method to recreate the conspiracy and that gave birth to 'The Game of Chess'.
Serial killings shock the nation as the police are rendered clueless. The killer leaves behind a trail of chess pieces with a strange message. Random people are murdered. Connoisseurs of different fields - History, Chess and the Security forces - have united as the next intended victim is the most powerful person of the country. How is Chess involved in the whole scenario? How will they find a man who died 4000 years ago? Can a person defy the laws of nature? Does history really repeat itself? Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

                                       My Review   

Let The Game Begin, a story which dwells into history of Chataranga, the kingdom ; the place from where the chess originated , a curse and hatched plot which became sole reason for the pages which are added in the books of history we read and the destruction of the other kingdom .  Story of a lovable father who losses his only son and reason for his existence , but he returned . He returned to take the revenge . A story which tells us our previous birth sanskar follows us in our following births and the karma will make you pay for your wrong dos .

Being the second novel of Sandeep Sharma , the book was totally commendable . The book left me content and surprised by the way it was penned down . The cover and the title was just amazing . Both the things so relates to the book . Job choice!

I always hated history but after reading the book I am inclined towards to know about  my own country more . I want to know, read and learn the glorious past of India where the kings ruled, the battle they fought and the history they created for us. Prof.Dinesh Gandhi , a historian or better call ‘ The Historian’ man who was itself an encyclopedia of the history , the most loved and respected professor . His knowledge about his subject was above the par that he served the nation .  Dinesh , was most inspiring character ; the man who coined the whole story due his research on the history of Chataranga and solved the most of the mystery of the story . The second I enjoyed the man who turn the table , Vyaapi ; the immortal , who traveled from the past to the present twentieth century . Vyaapi , who defeated the death and knows the future , who knows the reason why the thing happened .

The book had so many enjoyable portions but I would love to highlight that left me spell bounded ,  first the opening murders , the boy who defeated the world champion which his indifferent move . The other one was the chase which continued till the end . And the book was worth page turner because I truly enjoyed the thriller portion and the way the history part was penned keeping track with the story line .

The overall book was amazing and thriller driven . I was not astray in any page while reading the book . The presentation was perfect . The language was  very eye pleasing and readable . The book was so good that I completed it in one sitting and it wasn’t guessing but I felt I correctly recognized the hidden character .

I would love to rate this wonderful blend of history and present 4/5 . Great Job Author!!

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava