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Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Shinning India by Alcatraz Dey

Published Year : 2017
Publication Name : Author Paradise Publishers
Genre : Crime thriller
Format : Paperback/Kindle

                                                            Book Synopsis

Shantanu has always let down everyone in his life. He does not think so. For Nishi who had to suffer every single day after Shantanu suddenly left her, he is now the person she hates the most. Unknown to them Nishi's father has left behind a huge secret with her. A trident tattoo on her hand and much more that he never revealed. After years of separation and hatred Nishi is forced to work with Shantanu. Shantanu also has a secret of his own. Powerful men are receiving strange messages from a man called Solomon. He believes there is something very valuable that a geologist has discovered and never revealed to the world. What does the trident mean? Why did Nishi's father disappear with the secret? What is that Solomon wants? Most importantly what is India Shining?

                                                             My Review

Shinning India is a story which revolves around a deep seeded mystery which is hidden under the grounds of capital, New Delhi. The book which on the other side tells us about a hidden scientific yet undiscovered facts about the city and various variations consisting of murders, betray and suspense while on the other side a parallel story blossoms between Nishi and Shantanu. Both the story connects so well that I could not express it into few words. Being a lengthy book, it is really captivating and will rose level of curiosity among it's readers.

Book cover and Title - Ajitbha Bose and his work needs no introduction, he has once gifted us a very beautiful cover which reflects various shades of the book but I felt the fonts colour could have been worked because I couldn't read it at ease. Coming to the title of the book was really catchy and difficult to decide upon. Author has really invested hard efforts to bring this title, and yes, it goes with the storyline. One could easily make mental notes why this title is so apt once the book is finished.

Language - It's really hard to find a book which fullfil both purpose of buying book that is, the story and the language. We often come across about books whose story is fabulous but language hinders the path of the flow please do not add the bestsellers in this point I'm actually mentioning the newbie authors but I really appreciate the efforts of the author, he has actually proved that a story can really be delivered in a simple yet attractive manner.

Characters I enjoyed the most - According to me I found Shantanu, Nishi and Salmon we intriguing characters. Character building of these people stood like pillars to the book. A beautiful relationship shown between Nishi and Shantanu acts like a soothing Carol because lots of thriller and suspense were running parallel in the story. Another character I enjoyed was Salmon, the way he guides the readers to the main story I loved it really.

Portions I enjoyed the most- The opening prologue was very tempting and would insists readers to finish the book in single sitting(I actually took two sittings to finish it). The book also talk about to agencies MISRYTOOL and F.U.C.K. who were after gaining the lost treasure which the book talk about. Reading those portions were like recalling some spy based movies. Another portion I loved the most was historical facts and tidous research author did to make book come alive. Hats off! For the efforts made.

Potholes of the story - The story was bit hazy in the initial chapters, it created some confusion but afterwards the issue resolved and I was actually into book.
Another portion which I did not enjoy much was so many characters author added, keeping pace with all characters and remembering their roles was quiet difficult task though author had not shifted his attention from the main protagonists of the book which turn out to be a positive point.

Book Recommendation - Crime thriller novel lover must read this page turner besides author has beautifully fragmented historical facts so brilliantly that it targets a vast section of readers.

Overall rating -  I would rate this perfect blend of thriller and historical fiction 3/5 stars. Trust  me, book will not disappoint you.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava