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Monday, 24 April 2017
                The Flame of Anahata by Saranya Umakanthan

Published Year- 2017
Publication Name-General Press
Author-Saranya Umakanthan
Genre- Fiction/Mythology



"They turned to see his tears of love wiping away her blood of agony.."

Diya throws Suraj's proposal back in his face, leaving him broken-hearted. Why would she do so when she loved him desperately?

Suraj finds his Guruji unconscious beside a cave clutching the warrior Indrajith's diary. His heart-rending love story then unfolds. Being trapped in a web of emotions, Indrajith endured the pain of his lost love, hurting himself and trampled Deepali's hope for his adopted brother.. Who was he?

Sealed for centuries and holding the Mann-Parivarthana astra, the cave is besieged by evil now. But all attempts to unlock it go futile. Faced with baffling hints, Suraj's intelligence is sorely tested. What is the potent power required to break through that Paanch-Dost-Gupha?

The Flame of Anahata

Will the fire of love ever flicker in the hearts of Diya and Suraj?

                                        My Review

The Flame of Anahata is a historical fiction book written by Saranya Umakanthan, which  talks about an unsettled score between Shaktipur and dark army of Asur. The story begins with a tempting prologue where Asur find himself crushed due to his own foolishness again and he can’t reach it’s destiny. Then the story moves to the present, where Suraj confesses his love for Diya, his best friend. But Diya turned down his proposal leaving him soar and vacant. But then Suraj discover about his past from a diary lying near an enchanted cave. Suraj make up his mind to settle down everything what happened in his past and the  quest of truth and battle begins. The book moves into past and present events but it won’t make you baffled anywhere but will only compel you to go and read further.
Book cover and Title – When you read the title you see a word Anahata. Anahata is a Sanskrit word which means “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten”.  Anahata is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity. The title is the most appropriate and goes well with story. After a long time, I read such captivating title. I must say a well researched title. The book cover is just simply beautiful. A female warrior wearing calmness on her face while at the bottom, black hooded army, a dark force. I could not think of any better title and cover for this lucid book.

Language – Talking about the language of the book was the main element due to which reader would go ahead. I was so much engrossed into the book, no grammatical hindrances anywhere in the story and very well edited book. Language was just mesmerizing and magical.

Characters I enjoyed the most –  Book contains various characters and they did justice everywhere, whenever mentioned in the book.  Story starts with the main protagonist Suraj, who is a Bollywood star and fall for his best friend Diya. The best part about reading their love story was, it states the main element of spiritual thoughts we come across that was, unfulfilled quest from previous birth follows you to the present and yes, we meet people who have been with us in previous birth they may be foe or friend according to our deeds in present birth. Karma cycle.

 Suraj was one of the favorite character may be because of his past as Indrajeet, a warrior of Shaktipur. Indarjeet let go his love in previous birth because of his vicious brother and in present Karma hits him back. I enjoyed reading his part and loved his ability was not lost when he took another birth.

Another character I enjoyed was Varun, who is also best friend of Suraj and Diya. The reason behind I love him was the way he helps his friends in thick and thin. I love reading portion where friendship fortifies any turmoil of life.

Diya, was a sweet character, who was epitome of beauty and brain. Diya who too  holds very strong knot in the story and I don’t want to be spoiler here.
Portions I enjoyed the most- Starting from the blurb to the very last page, the book was really very enjoyable and I couldn’t keep it down for a second. The book starts with a tempting prologue  which will itself make readers to go ahead with the book and readers will not able to detach themselves  from the moment they starts reading. I personally enjoyed so many portions and one of my most favorite part of the book when Suraj discovered Indrajeet’s diary and the main story begins. The way Indrajeet’s accounts were maintained in the diary was just so brilliant. And another portion was when book talks about “Paanch-Dost-Gupha” I really enjoyed every bit of this portion till the end. Now, just not forget to mention a little tincture of romance added which adds bright petals to the story. There was portion when the secret were revealed about how to stop Asur and how a mystical flower turned into the most powerful and chord of the book. Can’t find words to better describe them. 

Potholes of the story – The only potholes I find in this book was I have to wait to last book of the series (laughs)

Book Recommendation – What? Wait, you really want me to recommend someone who loves mythological book. Well, then I am not going to do any such thing because this book has just entered  “Highly Recommended Book of 2017” and trust me I am going to reread it. Do you hear me, I just said reread. Without further wasting any second go and grab this book NOW…

Overall rating – I am so overwhelmed that I got this book (frankly speaking, it’s a reviewer copy) but I am now going to buy the first book of the Comeback Warrior Trilogy.  I want you to take a mental note here that the book review is not at all prejudiced because trust me I am fallen for this series and the most tiring part reading any series that you got to wait for next installment and I do not know when last third book will come. Dear author, please release the third book of the series as early as possible. So, I’m going to rate this amazing and thrilling book 5/5 stars.  

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava