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Tuesday, 16 May 2017

UNNS The Captivation by Sapan Saxena

Published Year-  2017
Publication- Inspire India Publishers
Genre- Fiction/ Romance Thriller
Pages- 244
Format- Paperback/Kindle

"Of course you know about the seven stages of love, but have you ever lived them?"

Atharva Rathod and Meher Qasim. 

Lovebirds since adolescence. Bonded by love, separated by circumstances. They part ways only to meet again. But this time, he is on a secret mission...

Are they in control of their own destiny, or its their destiny which is making them dance to its tunes? Only time would answer, as Atharva and Meher unwillingly and unknowingly transcend the seven stages of love. 

A quintessential tale of love and romance marked beautifully by its own rustic old school charm.

                                                            My Review

Few weeks ago I was looking for some good books to read and this very book caught my attention, first because of it’s title and later I loved the book cover and positive feedback from the customers and I would really thanks Bookpiper for sending me a review of copy of the book.

UNNS is a story of Arthrav and Meher who fall in love for each other, everything between them was going good until one unfortunate day and they separated before the school ends.  Was it love or infatuation? Confused with the feelings both moved ahead in lives. Arthrav became a RAW and Meher took up her aunt business. Separated for years from each other, they met in Germany but everything between wasn’t alright. Book starts from a teen romance to thriller ride which will entertain it’s readers.

Book talks about seven stages of love, Hub, Unns, Ishq,  Aqeedat, Ibadat, Junoon and Maut which explains various emotions of human. First the stage of attraction-Hub, stage of infatuation- Unns, stage when people actually fall in love- Ishq,  stage of reverence-  Aqeedat, stage when you worship your lover like a God- Ibadaat, stage of obsession- Junoon and last stage of death- Maut.  The book begins with three season- Basant, Herbst and Winter and reflects all seven stages of love into the three segments.

Book title which itself compel reader to read the book describes the third stage of love that is stage of infatuation and the title justifies the book. Story do rotate around it’s title. Talking about the cover picture, which is again beautiful work delivered by Ajitabha Bose. Two people under an umbrella, facing sea and a blue flower atop which says all.

Book is written in fast paced and readers will enjoy it but somewhere I felt author could have worked more on the few chapters. Book language is readable and easy to understand. Readers won’t be pushed into dictionary. I actually completed book in single sitting only problem I found was few editing errors which hinders my path while reading. Characterization was good and I enjoyed reading Atharav, Dev and Meher part. I enjoyed the school portion and such school stories are really relatable and then I enjoyed the ending chapters which actually tighten my grip and I was restless to know more.

Anyone who enjoys reading romance thriller can go ahead with this book.  Book really proves to be satisfying to you.

Overall I would rate UNNS 3/5 stars. Keep up the good work author. Keen to read more from you.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava