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Friday, 6 October 2017
The Hidden Spark by Vikas Trivedi and Smita Agarwal

Published Year- 2017
Publication-  Become Shakespeare
Pages- 197
Genre- Self- help
Format- Paperback/Kindle


Do you feel that you are working hard but not getting the returns you deserve? Have you tried relentlessly but failed repeatedly, and now want to lose hope? Do you want to be like the famous and successful people but don't know what special gifts you have to do? Are you still struggling with your own demons and do not know how to get out of it? Do you think that you are negative, lethargy, failed, unsuccessful, poor and unlucky? 

If yes, then “The Hidden Spark” is only for you. This practical book is a result of thoughts of the great mentors of the world after a long research and the guidance of the most successful people. It is said that one mind has more power than millions of cells but when it comes about ten most intelligent and active minds, you can make out how important each word of this book is! The book, you are holding in your hand is not a theory but a practical guide which will take you to your right direction in your life and leave you as the best version of yourself. Each and every chapter of this book has already been implemented by thousands of people and their real stories are in this book. 

                                                                          My Review

As the name suggests The Hidden Spark is a collection of motivational fables around the globe with some life changing experiences by people belonging to different time zones and geographies. Book is like a life-guide which will help you to have a better understanding of gala moments and miseries which looks very odd to us.

There is a thin line between hope and survival, the book worked on the next one i.e. survival. When we take out survival, my mind is surrounded by Charles Darwin words, “Survival of the fittest” ; if you are willing to survive don’t give up pity as well as on harsh realities which we face day to day. Book will make you believe that there is life after death, success after failures and hope after the darkest night of our life. 

Book will explain each concept of “How to be not just happy but a happier person?” and the experiences quoted by peoples are good and inspiring. Book will also give you ample of quotes by famous authors and thinkers.

The best part about the book is that it will make you work from the beginning and would compel you to go back and unleash your hidden spark. Authors has done satisfactory job on their part but somewhere I felt book did not match the pace.  Editing errors will be destructions on your path of reading this book.

Language was easy and lucent; somewhere I felt it could have been better. Title is apt and cover image is very eye soothing. Book is recommended to those who think their life is a burden. Go ahead and read this very book.

I would rate this book as 3/5stars for encouraging and helping me to find my spark.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava