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Wednesday, 22 August 2018


Published Year- 2018
Published by- Half Baked Beans Publishing
Pages- 128
Genre- Fiction
Format- Paperback/Kindle


Ishita Singh, a student of an esteemed college in Mumbai was living a normal life along with her group of friends, a caring senior and scarily enough, a creep who stalked her.

Shweta wakes up in an unknown planet with an advanced civilisation and sets out with Alexander Ishutin, a former spy of the RSV to discover about the far future.

Underlying the lives of these two girls in different worlds, there lies a dark secret. Will they ever come across this dark secret or will it be so chilling that it won't be worth living for? Prepare yourselves for a psyched, dystopian adventure. Not for the faint hearted.

My Review

Not Worth Living For is novel which is set in two different universe, first the earth and other in Isthenope. Isthenope is a place far away from the earth, a place which technologically so advance and upgraded, the atmosphere is so different from the earth that migrants from the earth have to take special kind of herbs which help them survive.

We follow two parallel stories here, one life on Isthenope and other mischievous happenings/ assault on the earth. Having being already a big fan of fantasy genre the book didn’t disappoints me either. It was enthralling and full of hidden layers of truth and mystery.

Story begins with how Shweta find herself on an alienated land of Isthenope and really have no idea about how and why she was brought up. Sooner for her everything starts making sense and she started liking her new habitat but she was overwhelmed with various emotions when she thinks of the earth.  On contrary, a different story runs on the Earth, students getting knocked down by some strange sickness and sleep but as soon as they gain consciousness another line of crime build up.

The plot has various twists and turns and they would leave readers flabbergasted whereas for me the most amazing thing to read about was the life at Isthenope, their culture, their natural habitat and the sky of the region.

Talking about the book title and the cover that at the first place they do become a reason to read this book. Storyline was decent and minimum grammatical/editing errors makes it more smooth the book and its pace. I would like to recommend it to any fiction/fantasy lover to pick this book.


Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava