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Wednesday, 22 August 2018

                             THE BLUE MOON DAY BY SANTHOSH SIVARAJ

Published Year- 2018
Published by- Invincible Publishers
Pages- 213
Genre- Fiction
Format- Paperback/Kindle



Things were never the same for five ordinary individuals who got struck at cross roads and there was no way they can run back. They had no other choice but to take a plunge into their deepest fear and leave the rest to destiny. Their characters was tested out of their comfort zone and it witnessed abstruse results; a PhD scholar fights to win a pizza making contest and a tennis prodigy running for his life in a war torn, bloodied Island. Extreme circumstances and their consequences made these ordinary individuals extraordinary . Was the test imposed on them by someone? Or did they invite it on themselves. The Blue Moon Day is that Once in a Blue Moon day story which questions an individual's priorities, ridicules the worldly routines and finally redefines happiness.

                                                          My Review

The Blue Moon Day by Santhosh Shivraj is a collection for short stories which will leave you enthralled and amazed, the stories will not only connect you but will give you so many beautiful lessons for life. When I picked the book I didn’t realize it’s a collection of short stories but soon made paced with the few pages I realized how amazing this has been turned out to me. As the name suggest “something happened on a rare occasions “thus book is set into five different stories set in different era of life and phases. Each story will give you a ride into their life and you will be compelled to read further.   

Beginning with the first story(which happened to be my most favorite story of the book), we follow a lad who is very studious and have achieved every heights in academics but then somewhere he felt that he is not able to cope with his life and felt that he has lost his essence in the corporate world. But, then he meets his savior, and that fellow helped him to pass through the difficult situations and he was able to learn so much for him. Someone has rightly said that old persons are and will be more experienced than us and the vale and their life experience will surly guide us on the path of darkness.
Similarly we follow other stories as well and all stories are so connected with someone’s life and will give you another lesson and how any rare occasions turn out to be the most strange and futile for someone. Author has successfully pulled various lives together and put them down beautifully in the book. 

Coming to the title of the book is really apt I could not think of any other title. The cover was so fascinating and soothing that you just cannot yourself reading the book. Besides the interior design of the book is really very creative. It adds more value to the book. The stories in spite being lengthy but then they happen to be the indulging and gripping.

At last I would like to thank author for sending me a copy of this book and trust me the book didn’t disappoints me.


Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava