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Friday, 19 October 2018

Book: Tarikshir:The Awakening
Author: Khayaal Patel
Publisher: Westland
Published on: 20/08/2018

Tarikshir a story of battles, power, mysterious murders and a strong potion which when revealed can cause havoc to human existence.

Story beings with ongoing battle between britishers and Princely Kingdom of Rajasthan. The mysterious assassination and mass murders of the civilians, leaves the Prince Rudra baffled and agitated.

He voes to reach the roots of all the miseries of his life and kingdom, the path ultimately lead him to discover the powers of Tarikshir.

The plot is so gripping that one cannot leave it in between. Narrations are fast paced with decent notch of writing style and minor editing errors.

Overall the book is good enough to invest your time.