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Sunday, 30 July 2017
The Three Wise Monkeys by Jeet Gain

Published Year: 2016
Publication: Frog Books
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 400
Format: Paperback/Kindle



The trio Amar, Akbar and Anthony had no clue whatsoever about their goddammit indecisive-careers-and-indefinite-struggles. 

And that was because they were born with the Peter Pan Syndrome and were simple enough to be tricked by anyone, including their mystifying girlfriends—Meghna, Farah and Sarah.
And as is the fate of all morons, they were drawn into trouble—deep trouble—of hiding crores of rupees of black money in secret offshore companies. 

Will their mistake of turning a blind eye to the philosophy of ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ cost them their careers and put them in prison?


Will Lady Luck change their fortunes forever?

                                                                    My Review

Three Wise Monkeys by Jeet Jain is light hearted novel, in which author and story both had intended to laugh out it’s readers. The cover of the book reflects three who sat on a lump of currency notes. Title is witty and would grab the attention and is apt on too.

The plot is something which is gripping where Amar, Akbar and Anotony struggle to pass C.A. first and later to get some pink notes into their pockets. The trio desperately searched from clients make them meet Ashwin Farah, a cunning banker with a never ending greed who indulge the trio  in money laundering business without their knowledge.

Amar, Akbar and Anthony became the national as well as international focuse out of the blue. Three wise monkeys is a story of three unwise monkeys and how they help the trio to settle the scores.
Book begin with brief indroduction about the trio and their not-so-happening life and later the book dwells into dark and humor. The book is fast paced with humon unfolded at every page. High voltage climax.  Author has tried to rib tickle it’s readers, somewhere he succeeds and somewhere he doesn’t.

Overall the book is one time read. Definitely the book is humorus and full of imagination but somewhere it would bore it’s readers.

I would rate 3/5 stars.                          

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava