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Tuesday, 12 June 2018

                   Chanakya Neeti by Chanakya

Published Year- new edition, 2018
Published by- Grapevine India
Genre- business/non-fiction
Format- Paperback/Kindle


Chanakya was known by names like Kautilya and Vishnugupta and played multiple roles of being a teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal advisor. Arthashastra and Chanakya Neeti were the two important books written by him. Chanakya Neeti is a collection of aphorisms, said to be selected by Chanakya from the various Shastras. The topics discussed are morality, ethics, governance and several others. Chanakya is regarded as a great thinker and diplomat in India. Many Indian nationalists regard him as one of the earliest thinkers who dreamt of a united India, spanning the entire subcontinent.

                                                           My Review

About Chanakya: Chanakya was born in 4th century BC was an Indian teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal adviser. He is also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta. He is considered to be the most prominent person who laid the foundation of economics and management during the ear of Gupta Empire. The principles given by him not only helped the kingdom but has been proved as a treasure upon which present day management is laid upon. His famous works are Arthashartra and Chanayka Neeti.

World for me was totally different few years ago as I was a science student and changing trade after 12th was heck tiring. But something caught my attention and I am thankful to my Professor who suggested me to pick Chanakya Neeti to have a better understanding of the economy.

While going through the book I realized how visionary Chanakya was back then. He developed principles which not only benefited the king and the people but it helped to shape the entire trade and commerce. His works talked about the people living during that era, how the trade and commerce was put into use so as to regulate money in the market.

Chanakya Neeti was actually the principles. Principles which is not limited to commerce and economy but there are concepts which hold much broader importance in one’s life, be it a teacher, a parent, a son or soul. Each element present of the earth, which is related to human in any way, has been described by him.

Chanakya always believed if one has to achieve all the set objectives in his life then it’s essential for him to follow these principles because they together served a prudent definition of a better human being who is capable for reaching the summit.

This book contains all principles along with explanations and special notes by Chankaya. The book can be completed in one sting and is very gripping.

This is a must read book for a commerce student but I would also recommend t to everyone because following these principles would definitely make you a better man and you would not loose n any phase of life.

Grapevine India has done a fantastic job while compiling this book, the way they put the things together has actually make me love this more. A great page turner.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava