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Tuesday, 12 June 2018

The Wild Cat by Taanya Sarma 

Published Year- 2017
Published by- Invincible Publishers
Pages- 282
Genre- Fiction
Format- Paperback/Kindle


Based on true events, this erotic thriller novel tells the tale of a young, naive woman named Tanya who enters the online dating and chat world. Her first foray into this digital realm initially proves to be bland and disappointing; however, sex, suspense, power struggles and attempted murder soon unfold. These unwelcome adventures interfere with her business and her sanity as she aspires to live up to her deceased parent’s standards. 

A conman named Sam ensnares Aaron, a handsome investment banker, into his ploy and uses him as a pawn to lure women into doing things they normally wouldn’t do. Sam then exposes their personal information as well as their images, sometimes in the act of cyber sex, and posts them on a very successful porn website that he owns. Tanya’s encounter with these two men evolves into a long, winding road, with each turn bringing irreparable changes in her life. 

Enraged by the deceit and the unconscionable behavior of these men, Tanya turns whistleblower and vows to assist the FBI in shutting down the dating app and porn site - and she won’t stop until the perverted perpetrators are behind bars. She never relents, but ultimately laments, “I never thought that I would have to give up my life to remain alive.” 

My Review

How many of you actually taken pain to read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of any account you create online? How many of you take efforts to know the person who is sitting on other side of the screen? Or how many of you wondered that you might be watched by someone who is creator of that site? The first one is knocked out completely we all know why? Because we never actually read them, coming to the second question we do know the person because we both have been talking over months but who guarantees about his/her real identity. Now, let’s move to last question, we barely worry about the tracker because we have psychologically developed a fact that if millions of people are using it, then we are also at lower chances of risk.

But now, take a deep breath and think if virtual media destroys your mind and personal life. In the story, The Wild Cat we follow a girl named, Tanya who has recently come up with grief of losing her father but then as soon as she got acquainted with online dating app her world collapsed.

Tanaya who has nothing to loose in her life, falls into the trap of virtual world. Book follows her life,  the consequences of such virtual world and how difficult is to get back the old peace and mutual trust. Everything was fine when she started using the app but sooner she came to know about the dark world behind the screen.
The title and the cover is very well put together, nowhere I found them going astray with the story. If one reads the blurb, reader will surely understand that book also cater all different genre that is erotic thriller. The idea was very well put again, we became comfortable with the person who is miles away and we starts sharing our personal details just because meeting that person in real life is very low but what if he returns as a nightmare.

Over all plot was gripping but somewhere writing the erotic portion would have been written more elegant way instead of using straightforward words. Book was quick and one time read. I would rate the book 3/5 star, hope the instalments would be better and decent.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava