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Wednesday, 7 June 2017
 Compensate The Past by Mohammad Israf

Published Year- 2017
Publications- Good Times Books Pvt. Ltd.
Genre- Fiction
Pages- 137
Format- Paperback/Kindle


"Everyone has to experience emotions in life. Those emotions are socio-economic which teach us lessons to do something extraordinary just to Compensate the Past.
 Past plays a crucial role in everyone's life, Rajat learns those lessons which induce him to see the world from emotional point of view. He wants an indemnity for his past.
Meanwhile he falls in love with Taniya. It pumps up zeal for emotions to do something for the society as love makes you strong enough to confront all the barriers coming in the path.
On a turn of life, he has to balance himself between love and social responsibility, both put Rajat's entire life on stake.
Will he be able to get his love?
 Will he be able to compensate his past?"

                                                                    My Review

How many of you ever thought to implement whatever you were taught in school or in university/college? I guess most of you will say NO. We keep learning things but fail to implement them because we are taught there is life other than bookish knowledge what if I tell about one such book in which author has utilized his knowledge he learnt in a B-School(Business School).

Compensate The Past is one such book I find really very amusing and entertaining. I really loved the concept developed for this book and it had worked. After reading so many books based on engineering I don’t find reason why they didn’t sooth me but here I got a reason and I enjoyed every bit of it.

Compensate which means in recognitions of loss and here in the story means narrator or say protagonist who suffered loss in past or things which has never worked that time he mended in the present.

Story starts with a train journey where Rajat Rai narrated his incidents of life but they won’t make you monotonous but will make you stick to the edge where you’re sitting. Rajat explains how he hard life is and how and what we should do for things w didn’t get in past. Whatever your past is; you have ability to make it a new version or more upgraded. Book dwells into a management boy life and how he makes the best use of available resources. Author has added pinch of laughter and romance which is very neatly fit into the book.
I really enjoyed reading Rajat’s section, he was hard working and ambitious and he knows where to put full stop to those diversions which hinders his path. I personally enjoyed reading CSR and women self help group part mentioned in the books I’m so keen to experience them in my classes.  

Book is fast paced and will be completed in a single sitting but will leave readers wondering how they must use their capabilities to achieve their dreams and ambitions. Book title and cover is very apt, it goes with story line. Language is simple and readable, won’t make readers hunch over dictionary.

For management student like me would really enjoy this book but I won’t be specific because anyone can read this. A good Sunday read.

I would rate 4/5 and I’m looking forward to read more from the author. And I would like to thanks author for choosing me giveaway winner.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava