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Friday, 2 June 2017
Book Review : Wasted in Engineering Story of India’s Youth by Prabhu Swaminathan

Published Year- 2014
Publication-  Notionpress             
Genre- Non-fiction
Pages- 172
Format- Paperback/Kindle        



'Engineering padicha nalla future - If you study engineering, you will have a good future.' This is a claim often repeated to children and teenagers by parents and teachers in many parts of India. But only those who have gone through an engineering college life know that it's not completely true. 

There is a difference between calling yourself as an engineering graduate and an engineer. India produces millions of engineering graduates like you and me but only very few of us are actual engineers. Many of us just graduate with an engineering degree, with an artistic dream in mind. 

What do you think is the difference between engineers in many countries around the world and engineers from India? In other countries, if David Pascal studied electrical engineering in college, few years later you can find him working as an electrical engineer. In India, if Ram Krishnamurthy studied electrical engineering, few years later you can find him working in a completely irrelevant field like software coding, banking, photography and even movie directing. 

This book is not about the few engineering students in your class who love engineering. I don't hate them. In fact, I am very jealous that they study what they love. This book is about the majority of engineering graduates whose lives are wasted in engineering and is intended to tell you why you should make an attempt in pursuing your real passion, instead of being suffocated under the weight of an engineering degree. 

This is a story of India's Youth. 

Welcome to India, the land of Wasted Engineers.

                                                                   My Review

Did you see I just mentioned this book is also available in Kindle format but let me tell you even if you have it in your Kindle app you will not stop yourself buying a paperback version. Since the day I received this book and I started reading I couldn’t stop myself spreading a word about it. Wasted in Engineering is based on engineering myths we all have but book will be beneficially to a non- engineer also.

Wasted in Engineering by Prabhu Swaminathan is a true account of author himself, he explained 360◦ view of  engineering starting from when a child is born to where an engineer end up after his studies. This book actually reminds me a poem which was in my school circular, over the years that poem remains my favorite,  The Road Not Taken by  Robert Frost. Just like it was mentioned in the poem that we can’t walk to two paths similarly the book justifies how we cannot choose between two career paths, one which we like other which our parents ask. 

Book begins how school play major roles in choosing students for science and commerce stream, how parents give us only one option to opt and how discrimination happens in an engineering college right from the time of admission to the end of the semester. He explained briefly about special quotas offered along with reservation, he too focused on how we should separate what we see in movie about an engineering college to the real one.

He also explains myths which is very common and very reason to do engineering in India is six digits salary and author breaks that myths too. Next he talks about a real campus life, the professors, marking scheme based on how student behaves to them.

In the poem, at the end poets lament for not choosing the most travelled road but in book author gave us positive hopes and various illustrations how we can too choose the path which we like even after completing engineering degree. Book is a guide to school going students who still thinks key to luxury life is doing engineering , to parents who thinks what their neighbor say if they came to know that their son/daughter are non engineer, teachers who evaluate students on the basis of marks and neglect the scientific aptitude of any student, still who are doing engineering you guys still start working on your real dream rather than running into a rat race  and above all those every youth who is an engineer or not give yourself some time and thin what you always wanted to do. I’ve figured out what I wants to do. What about you? 

Coming back to book title which just amazing and catchy, book cover is very well designed. Narration of the book was literally amazing step by step everything was explained. Language was smooth and easy to comprehend. 

Wait? Are you still asking me to recommend you personally. Damn! Just go and grab it.

I am so thrilled to rate it 4.5/5 stars. I’m still in it’s hangover. Yes, I’ m a non engineer and I know what I want to do. Thank you Prabhu Sir.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava