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Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Highway Man by J. Alchem

Published Year: 2017
Publication: Sold by Amazon
Genre: Fiction/Short Stories
Pages: 68    
Format: Kindle


The whole world is upside down. People are walking in the sky with the ground moving above their heads. And the reason is simple; a bestselling author is in love. But why the whole world is inverted? What's so special about this love? Or worse?

A man throws his masculine brain and heart aside and fixes a feminine one there. And the reason is simple; he wants to live the life of his lover, for 24 hours. But why does he want to do that? What's the need?

A man, neatly dressed in a suit, is playing with his bowler hat, on a highway at dawn. And the reason is simple; he needs a lift. But why does he need a lift? What's his purpose?

                                                                        My Review

Highway Man is a collection of three beautiful short stories, ‘Catherine, Sidzy, for-a-day  and Highway Man” which are accentuatingly put to dazzle its readers. Catherine a laconic story of an author who got trapped in his own imagination. Story actually reveals how our own creativity becomes boisterous and another instance it can turn you pretenses of your imagination. Catherine was my favorite and it took me few minutes to start with another.

Sidzy, for-a-day  was a tale of girl and her beloved husband which was no less than like reading a tale from Disney collection. After finishing the first one, the story was warm read.

Last which steal my attention was Highway Man. Rohan and ayaan has lost their priceless position in a car accident, everything turned doldrums and monotonous for them until one fortunate day they met Jihan and everything changed. Sometime you need to look around and get yourself motivation. Instead of dwelling into past moving on turned into a right choice sometimes. I just don’t know my how to express why and what made me fall in love with this story.

Coming back to book title and cover they both are apt I wish I own a paperback edition of this book someday. Language was crisp and really very amusing. A page turner. Each story is different from the previous one.

Overall I would rate it 4.5/5 stars.  Wait, did I say I’m going back to read it again? Then please excuse me.

Reviewed by Aditi Srivastava